*Apologetics comes from the Greek word apologia which means to make a defense. The articles below relate to making a defense or explaining a point of the faith.
Why It’s Hard for me To Sabbath
By Amber Riggs Sabbath. It’s what “Hakuna Matata” wishes it could really be. No worrying. About anything. For all eternity. And with thousands of years [...]
The Leadership Conversation: Why Should We Study Culture?
By Mary Meadows Culture is complex. Not only does the term encompass everything that makes up a unique society, but culture is constantly changing and evolving. In [...]
6 Reasons I’m Excited to be a Millennial Christian
By Amber Riggs The millennium had barely turned when I first became acquainted with the labels that would define my generational identity. As researchers looked at [...]
The Life of Christ: A Testimony of Beautiful Lives
By Chip Hinds THE LIFE OF CHRIST IN THE LIVES OF TRUE DISCIPLES Greetings in the name of Jesus, faithful disciples of the Lord. Some [...]
Ground Zero Perspectives New: Remembering September 11 and the Lessons We Learned
By Whaid Rose GROUND ZERO For those old enough to recall them, the images remain vivid: the twin towers of the World Trade Center belching [...]
5 Reasons I Came Back to the Church
By Lisa Harp Hinds If you read “5 Reasons I Left the Church”, you know that, yes, I was one of “those” who had left [...]