
About Lisa Harp Hinds

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So far Lisa Harp Hinds has created 141 blog entries.

Reaching Our Redemptive Potential: An important lesson from the life of Moses


by Whaid Rose I wasn’t prepared for this statement: “Moses was an amazing leader who never reached his redemptive potential.” I was half asleep, listening to religious TV, when this comment jolted me fully awake. No way, I thought. Put that on some other Bible character, not Moses. I immediately thought of all the virtues ascribed to Moses in Scripture: the man who “knew God face to face” (Exodus 33:11), and “the meekest man who ever lived” (Numbers 12:3), etc. Outside of Scripture, there is broad consensus that, among mere men, Moses is the greatest spiritual leader who ever lived! So, [...]

Reaching Our Redemptive Potential: An important lesson from the life of Moses2023-12-22T08:19:46-07:00

Are You an Emotionally Healthy Leader?


by Kurt Lang “Be sure to secure your own mask before assisting others.” You’ve heard this instruction about oxygen masks every time you are waiting for your airplane to take off. Is it just me, or does this just rub you the wrong way, too? Hopefully you have been trained to help others and desire to put others before yourself (Ro. 12:3, 10), especially when it comes to your own children! If my child needs oxygen, I don’t want to be messing around with my own mask while my son is passing out. What kind of father would I be? But [...]

Are You an Emotionally Healthy Leader?2023-12-21T15:38:33-07:00

A Biblical Expedition


by Chinelle Flood Biblical Interpretation might be better described as an Interpretive Expedition. Why an expedition? The word “expedition” has a tantalizing ring to it. It instantly perks the senses to something far beyond a mere trip across town to the local hardware store. It hints at adventure, fills the air with spices, peeks in on exotic locations, and has treasure hunters expediting their passports. By the time a Bible student makes their way through the journey of interpretation, they will have been transported back to an ancient time, observed sacred yet living texts, discerned their purpose, touched what is holy, [...]

A Biblical Expedition2023-12-15T11:40:44-07:00

Give Thanks, Share Jesus


by Loren Gjesdal This is the season in which we are reminded to give thanks in everything (1 Thes 5:18). The last part of the Mission Statement of the church where I serve as co-pastor is summarized with the words, Share Jesus. Give Thanks, Share Jesus. At the Marion Church of God (Seventh Day), they go together. For many Christians, evangelism carries the connotation of going door to door handing out pamphlets or otherwise giving a gospel summary followed by an invitation to receive Jesus as Savior. For many, such efforts are intimidating and often frustratingly unfruitful. Maybe there is a [...]

Give Thanks, Share Jesus2023-12-07T15:37:40-07:00

The Hope of Israel


Recovering the Passion, Clarifying the Issues, Praying for an End to the Middle-East Conflict (11/2/2023) This event has already taken place. Register to watch the recording (please consider giving a donation during checkout). A 90-minute webinar featuring a panel discussion surrounding CoG7’s historic view of the modern state of Israel, how this view has been reshaped over time, and the challenges of aligning our response to the present Israel-Hamas conflict with our pacifist stance and the Bible’s command to love our enemies. The panel will respond to questions submitted ahead of time. This webinar is in English, only. Register for this [...]

The Hope of Israel2024-02-21T14:56:44-07:00

Response to the Middle East Conflict


A Discussion and Time of Prayer for the Israeli-Hamas War (10/19/2023) This event has already taken place. Register to watch the recording. Whaid Rose (Artios Center Dean) and Jason Overman (Bible Advocate Editor) lead a discussion about the current Middle East conflict, including what this means for the surrounding Arab nations, the rest of the world, and the Christian community, followed by a time of prayer for peace and healing. Register for this webinar for free at *This webinar was made possible by donors who recognize the value of this type of resource. To help us continue to make resources [...]

Response to the Middle East Conflict2024-02-21T14:57:44-07:00

Leadership Context: Are You a Leader in the Church?


by Loren Gjesdal Leadership cannot take place in a vacuum. By definition, leadership requires at least 2 people (one to lead and one or more to be led), and almost always takes place within some organizational context, whether formal or informal. Imagine, for instance, a formal context of leadership. Imagine you were hired to an executive position at Apple, such as Director of New Product Development. What are some of the questions you might have? Who is on the team? What are our objectives? What are our resources, procedures and limitations? To fulfill your new role, you would need to know [...]

Leadership Context: Are You a Leader in the Church?2023-11-16T14:14:58-07:00

3 Strategies for More Honest Biblical Interpretation


by Brian Franks It’s an encouragement and a challenge you’ll often hear from the pulpit. Pastors will prescribe it in visitation. It’s often the right answer at the end of a sermon or lesson. Read your Bible. Certain denominations place a huge emphasis on regular Bible reading, either in the service or at home or both. Indeed, it is a very important discipline and can also be a great joy. However, there are some pitfalls to Bible reading that don’t get mentioned as often as the phrase, ”read your Bible.” Often, in following the guidance to “read your Bible,” the believer [...]

3 Strategies for More Honest Biblical Interpretation2023-11-16T14:10:30-07:00

All the Queen’s Horses: A Leadership Lesson from Elizabeth II


by Whaid Rose I came across a new term in the days following the recent passing of Queen Elizabeth II. It is used to describe the late Queen’s extraordinary influence during her long reign as British Monarch. She was only ten years old when she became heir to the throne in 1936. Eleven years later (age 21) the young Princess made this remarkable promise to her people: “I declare before you all that my whole life, whether it be long or short, shall be devoted to your service and the service of our great imperial family to which we all belong.” [...]

All the Queen’s Horses: A Leadership Lesson from Elizabeth II2023-11-16T14:04:33-07:00

Fine-tuned Heart


by Martin Cicero For this article, I was struggling as to whether I wanted to talk about the heart or the brain. There is so much detail that I can’t see how either one happened by chance. The brain has approximately 86 billion neurons in our brains, woven together by an estimated 100 trillion connections, or synapses. The heart, on the other hand, beats approximately 115,000 times a day and is connected to a blood vessel system that, if stretched out, would extend approximately 1,500 miles. The heart is an organ, a muscle at the center of our circulatory system. It [...]

Fine-tuned Heart2023-11-16T14:00:00-07:00

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Web: Artios Christian College

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