How Biblical Fellowship can Restore the Church- Part 1
By Israel Steinmetz The modern Church is in crisis. We do not lack the power, presence or purpose of God. However, we do [...]
How Can Pastoral Ministry Be Small-Group Based Team Ministry?
by Loren Gjesdal The church has been my world. It has been my primary social circle, the highlight event of my week, and [...]
Why We Keep Singing Together: A Collective Response of Love to God
By Andrea Slawson When I was in elementary school, I attended church with a friend quite often. I now know that she attended [...]
How Do We Foster Mental Wellness Among Christian Leaders? Part 3
by Jacquelyn Scott There are various ways that all of us, including our international brethren, can go about implementing plans of action to [...]
A Visions for Christian Education in the Local Church- Part 1
By Amber Riggs Once a year, the kids in my congregation’s Sabbath School classes are called to the front of the sanctuary. With [...]
Baptism Debates: Worthwhile Questions to Consider — Part 2
By Israel Steinmetz Water baptism has been consistently practiced by the Church throughout the entire history of the Christian faith. It is practiced [...]
What Millennials Want the Church to Know
By Caitlin Meadows What do those currently ages 17 to 40 have in common? They are millennials. That’s a 23 year age gap! [...]
The Power of Prayer
By Brian Franks There’s a powerful ministry available to the church! It’s one that can easily be practiced by a small child, someone nearing [...]
How Do We Foster Mental Wellness Among Christian Leaders? Part 1
by Jacquelyn Scott Forming a network of support and accountability As we transition into the next decade, there is no time to waver [...]
How Biblical Fellowship Can Restore the Church- Part 4
By Israel Steinmetz The modern Church is in crisis. We do not lack the power, presence or purpose of God. However, we do [...]
A Visions for Christian Education in the Local Church- Part 2
By Amber Riggs Week after week, year after year, students of all ages – infant to elderly – take their seat to engage [...]
Acts of Service Aren’t Enough, Thankfully
by Caitlin Meadows Growing up, my elementary school implemented a merit system. Every staff member carried around little yellow pieces of paper called [...]