Leadership Essentials: The Next Generation Leader
by Artios Magazine Have you ever read seven books in just five weeks? Some of you avid readers out there are saying “Yes, easily!” The [...]
Becoming a Great Leader – an Overnight Success
by Chip Hinds When you consider your leadership, do you think of it as a vocation, a science, a skill anyone can acquire or as [...]
The Business of Worship: Why Church Administration Isn’t Boring
By Amber Riggs Few things are worth packing four children under the age of 10 into a vehicle and driving 2,058 miles across the country…and then [...]
5 Reasons the Church Needs Administration
By Loren Gjesdal We have all heard complaints about bureaucratic red tape (and maybe voiced those complaints ourselves!). Usually these complaints relate to our interactions [...]
The Church and Our Duty
By Lisa Harp Hinds The Church and Our Duty As followers of Christ, we are commanded to be holy. Part of living a holy life [...]
Church of God (Seventh Day) & The Calvinist’s TULIP – Part 1
By Israel Steinmetz Since Artios Christian College and Lead Up are ministries of the Church of God (Seventh Day), it is worthwhile to examine our denomination’s Statement of Faith. In doing [...]