Leadership Essentials: Clarity of Vision
by Dirk Anderson In 1966, Star Trek first aired on television. It featured gadgets such as the communicator, wireless earpieces, the hypospray, and the medical [...]
What is the Gospel?
By Martin Cicero My church family and I have been talking about things these last few weeks that lead up to a very important question, [...]
Building Beautiful Churches for Jesus
By Whaid Rose Building Beautiful Churches for Jesus: Why the post-COVID church must redefine itself and its mission. Once upon a time a local church [...]
Stewardship, Accountability and Administration
by Loren Gjesdal Few words inspire yawns faster than “administration.” Immediately, images of forms to be filled out and bureaucratic hurdles to be leaped come [...]
What Christians Need to Understand About Shame
By Caitlin Meadows Shame on you! is something we say to someone who behaves poorly. It’s our response to a person caught red handed and unapologetic. [...]