3 Keys to Overcoming the Burnout of Serving Others
by Paul Pedersen The burnout grew slowly. It was a general feeling of frustration with my work. As I would drive to work in the [...]
Quiet Influence: 6 Tips for the Introverted Leader
by Mary Meadows Hi, my name is Mary, and I am an introvert. I am also a leader. If you had asked me what leadership [...]
Do You Turn Away From God When You Are Hurting?
By Lisa Harp Hinds Have you noticed that it seems so many Christians are turning away from God and the church lately? What makes us [...]
Stewardship, Accountability and Administration
by Loren Gjesdal Few words inspire yawns faster than “administration.” Immediately, images of forms to be filled out and bureaucratic hurdles to be leaped come [...]
Why History Matters in Leadership
by Santiago Chavez Introduction One of the courses that most surprised me in seminary was cultural theology. The first two verses of Romans 12 erupted [...]
5 Reasons the Church Needs Administration
By Loren Gjesdal We have all heard complaints about bureaucratic red tape (and maybe voiced those complaints ourselves!). Usually these complaints relate to our interactions [...]