
All the Queen’s Horses: A Leadership Lesson from Elizabeth II


by Whaid Rose I came across a new term in the days following the recent passing of Queen Elizabeth II. It is used to describe the late Queen’s extraordinary influence during her long reign as British Monarch. She was only ten years old when she became heir to the throne in 1936. Eleven years later (age 21) the young Princess made this remarkable promise to her people: “I declare before you all that my whole life, whether it be long or short, shall be devoted to your service and the service of our great imperial family to which we all belong.” [...]

All the Queen’s Horses: A Leadership Lesson from Elizabeth II2023-11-16T14:04:33-07:00

Leadership Essentials: Christ-Centered Character


by Michael Mancha We all remember the childhood game Follow the Leader. Whatever the leader does, you do. Wherever the leader goes, you go. We all understand leadership from an early age. We experience all kinds of leadership examples in our lives especially in the form of Christian leadership. While there are a number of characteristics vital to Christian leadership, none are more important than character. The character of a Christian leader stands as the basis for their role because character is a reflection of communion with God, it conveys moral authority, and it breeds healthy followers. Character and Communion In [...]

Leadership Essentials: Christ-Centered Character2023-10-24T16:13:10-06:00

What are the Essentials of Spiritual Leadership?


by Whaid Rose Essentials of Spiritual Leadership On January 13, 2012, the Italian cruise ship, Costa Concordia, ran aground in shallow waters near Isola del Giglio, off the coast of Tuscany. A total of 32 lives were lost, and hundreds of passengers had to be rescued from the capsized vessel. The incident drew much attention, most of which focused on what was obvious to the most casual observer: this accident could have been easily avoided. The Costa Concordia, which was on its first leg of a cruise around the Mediterranean Sea, deviated from its planned route and sailed close to shore [...]

What are the Essentials of Spiritual Leadership?2023-10-17T15:04:08-06:00

Why Character Trumps Accomplishment


by Amber Mann Riggs A few times each week, I make an elaborate plan to sabotage myself. The assassination of my own character is often an inevitable result. I call it a to-do list. Part written, part mental, it becomes the mighty standard of all measuring sticks. After all, if achieving a goal is intricately tied to our capacity to 1) break a long-term goal into a short term goal and 2) work a little each day on a short term goal, then letting a task fall through the cracks is tantamount to inevitable long-term failure. It seems that every day, I have to take [...]

Why Character Trumps Accomplishment2023-09-07T14:40:49-06:00

10 Qualities of Influential Christians


by Amber Mann Riggs All Christians have the capacity to influence the people around us to live in such a way that reflects Jesus’ heart for the world. It doesn’t matter how wide your circle of influence is – how many friends, kids, Facebook acquaintances, or twitter followers you have, how large your church or community is, or how many work associates you have. What matters is the potential for depth in your realms of influence. When it comes to depth of influence, even though all Christians are re-created as leaders, there is a significant difference between passive leaders and active leaders: active leaders [...]

10 Qualities of Influential Christians2023-08-29T14:54:05-06:00

Leading and Managing: What’s The Difference?


by Chip Hinds (Excerpt borrowed with permission from the Southwest District Superintendent’s Blog) Are you acting in the roles of leadership and/or management? Last week, in discussion with SWD HOPE Ministry Co-Director David Burrell, we remarked to one another how launching into a project, even in turbulent circumstances when the way was still being charted, was not a problem for either one of us. He remarked jokingly, “Yes, that is us sometimes, ‘fire … ready … aim.’” I admire David Burrell and Martin Ramirez, also Co-Director of SWD HOPE Ministry, because of what they are doing “outside the four walls of [...]

Leading and Managing: What’s The Difference?2023-08-24T14:55:46-06:00

In Search of Character


by Whaid Rose Character Formation To set the stage for this article, it is necessary to reveal something of my dark past: I once got into trouble in high school! It was an incident involving my entire homeroom class. The teacher didn’t show up, and we kids seized the opportunity to goof off. Apparently, it was noisy enough to get the principal’s attention. This was back in the ‘70s in Jamaica where punishment was still being administered corporally in public schools, so his arrival at our homeroom naturally prompted fear. But his reaction caught the class off guard. He quietly walked [...]

In Search of Character2023-08-18T09:43:18-06:00

What is the Definition of Character?


by Whaid Rose Let’s explore a concise definition of character, and talk about why this is foundational to all true leadership. “We teach what we know, but we reproduce who we are.” This sobering John Maxwell quote forces me to reflect on what I am deep down on the inside. That’s the real me regardless of my public persona. There’s a word for what a person is deep down on the inside: character. We use this word in various ways. For example, we say someone has no character, suggesting that they’re not nice or that they have no moral underpinnings. In [...]

What is the Definition of Character?2023-08-18T09:36:11-06:00

Like a Rock: A Classic Example in Character Formation


by Whaid Rose Jesus had twelve disciples, but among them, was an inner circle of three made up of Peter, James, and John. They’re rightly regarded as such because of their unique role in Jesus’ ministry. They walked closest to Him, were given front row seats on important occasions, and exuded a unique passion for advancing the agenda of the kingdom, so much so that they were nicknamed “Sons of Thunder” (Mark 3:16). But among them, Peter stood out even more. The first disciple Jesus called, along with his brother Andrew, first seen casting their net by the Sea of Galilee [...]

Like a Rock: A Classic Example in Character Formation2023-08-16T16:01:32-06:00

Why Character Trumps Competence


by Whaid Rose “Leadership is a potent combination of strategy and character. But if you have to be without one, be without strategy.”  –General Norman Schwarzkopf Is it prudent to choose leaders based on their ability to get things done, despite glaring character flaws? This has become a topic of national conversation, especially in recent years as the proverbial emperor without clothes plays out in real life on television. Crisis and Compromise This debate comes amid growing concerns about the sharp decline of moral character in American culture. Yet, when it comes to choosing political leaders, many of those concerned, evangelical [...]

Why Character Trumps Competence2023-08-16T16:00:46-06:00

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