
Who Arenā€™t You Loving, Christian?


by Caitlin Meadows When I think of Jesusā€™ parable of the ā€œgood Samaritanā€, an image of Larry the Cucumber wearing a boot as a hat comes to mind. But, the parable is much more meaningful than a bunch of vegetable characters throwing shoes and pots back and forth until one decides to be kind to the other. Jesusā€™ story about the ā€œgood Samaritanā€ is a picture of one who is genuinely loving his neighbor. It is an example of what it looks like to ā€œlove the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all [...]

Who Arenā€™t You Loving, Christian?2025-02-14T16:08:35+00:00

Why Stewardship is Relevant for 21st Century Christians


by Caitlin Meadows Do you ever think about how rich you are? In our ā€œSubscribe & Saveā€, free 2-day shipping world of Amazon Prime, we are prone to focus our attention on what we donā€™t have yetĀ Ā rather than all that we do. The concept of stewardship, even among Jesus-followers, is mostly neglected. As a member of civilized society, Iā€™m guessing you own the following: a smart phone (and possibly a tablet), a computer, and at least one television. If you donā€™t have one of the above, itā€™s likely out of choice rather than financial inability. Further, Iā€™m willing to assume that [...]

Why Stewardship is Relevant for 21st Century Christians2025-02-14T16:09:21+00:00

How Biblical Fellowship Can Restore the Church- Part 4


By Israel Steinmetz The modern Church is in crisis. We do not lack the power, presence or purpose of God. However, we do lack the unified fellowship to fully utilize His power, experience His presence, and accomplish His purpose. The unity of thought, spirit, practice and faith that was so evident in the New Testament Church is severely lacking in the modern Church and the effects are devastating. InĀ part oneĀ we established that the crisis of the modern Church relates to our understanding and application of New Testament fellowship.Ā Part twoĀ examined the particulars of New Testament fellowship as it was practiced by the [...]

How Biblical Fellowship Can Restore the Church- Part 42025-02-14T16:17:27+00:00

How Biblical Fellowship Can Restore the Church- Part 3


By Israel Steinmetz The modern Church is in crisis. We do not lack the power, presence or purpose of God. However, we do lack the unified fellowship to fully utilize His power, experience His presence, and accomplish His purpose. The unity of thought, spirit, practice and faith that was so evident in the New Testament Church is severely lacking in the modern Church and the effects are devastating. InĀ part oneĀ we established that the crisis of the modern Church relates to our understanding of, and most notably our application of, the doctrine of New Testament fellowship.Ā Part twoĀ examined the particulars of New Testament [...]

How Biblical Fellowship Can Restore the Church- Part 32025-02-14T16:17:27+00:00

How Biblical Fellowship Can Restore the Church- Part 2


By Israel Steinmetz The modern Church is in crisis. We do not lack the power, presence or purpose of God. However, we do lack the unified fellowship to fully utilize His power, experience His presence, and accomplish His purpose. The unity of thought, spirit, practice and faith that was so evident in the New Testament Church is severely lacking in the modern Church and the effects are devastating. InĀ part oneĀ we established that the crisis of the modern Church relates to our understanding of, and most notably our application of, the doctrine of New Testament fellowship. We will now examine the particulars [...]

How Biblical Fellowship Can Restore the Church- Part 22025-02-14T16:17:27+00:00

How Biblical Fellowship can Restore the Church- Part 1


By Israel Steinmetz The modern Church is in crisis. We do not lack the power, presence or purpose of God. However, we do lack the unified fellowship to fully utilize His power, experience His presence, and accomplish His purpose. The unity of thought, spirit, practice and faith that was so evident in the New Testament Church is severely lacking in the modern Church and the effects are devastating. In the modern Church there is a crisis regarding our understanding of, and most notably our application of, the doctrine of New Testament fellowship. THE CHURCH IN CRISIS This crisis of fellowship is [...]

How Biblical Fellowship can Restore the Church- Part 12025-02-14T16:17:27+00:00

Why It’s Hard for me To Sabbath


By Amber Riggs Sabbath. Itā€™s what ā€œHakuna Matataā€ wishes it could really be. No worrying. About anything. For all eternity. And with thousands of years of history it certainly ā€œainā€™t no passinā€™ craze.ā€ Itā€™s why the Friday sunset triggers a welcomed off-switch from the crazy busyness of my life. Ā No laundry, vacuuming, or making beds. Or fretting about finances. Or checking my work email. Or wiping myself out in the name of pleasure. Or trying to figure out how much I can check off of my to-do list. For 24 solid, amazing hours. BECAUSE SABBATH ISĀ AĀ CONCEPTĀ THAT EMBODIES THIS BEAUTIFUL PICTURE OF [...]

Why It’s Hard for me To Sabbath2025-02-14T16:17:27+00:00

Why Sabbath is Meant to be Simple


By Amber Riggs Iā€™ll never forget my familyā€™s first Sabbath gathering back with our church after thirteen weeks ofĀ covid-relatedĀ cancellations. My four daughters could barely contain their excitement. They had dressed and prepared breakfast for themselves before I even crawled out of bed. At their young ages, my daughters have fallenĀ in love with the churchĀ and the vision it represents. Likewise, when the first representatives of humanity spent that first day delighting in the Garden, God was giving them an opportunity to fall in love with His vision. Could they imagine replacing the Wilderness around the Garden with this lush peace of beauty? [...]

Why Sabbath is Meant to be Simple2025-02-14T16:17:27+00:00

6 Reasons I’m Excited to be a Millennial Christian


By Amber Riggs The millennium had barely turned when I first became acquainted with the labels that would defineĀ my generational identity. As researchers looked at the culture that had shaped us and hypothesized about how we would collectively respond to and shape our environments as we grew into adulthood, I found myself both fascinated and enthralled by what I read. We were called Gen-Y, Millennials, Echoboomers, and my favorite, the Bridger Generation. However, as we looked at the promises of a new (at the time pre-9-11) millennium, what they all seemed to have in common in the perception ofĀ thisĀ Millennial was a [...]

6 Reasons I’m Excited to be a Millennial Christian2025-02-14T16:17:42+00:00

Voices of Hope: What it’s Like to be a Black Christian Woman in the United States-Part 1


Artios produced a Webinar in July 2020 on the topic of being a Black Christian Woman in the United States. This panel discussion is an hour and a half in length and includes CoG7 panelists: Deborah Crayton, Nichole Ijames, Iris Lash-Pitterson, and Marna Renteria. It is hosted by former Co-Director of Artios and Dean of Administration Amber Riggs. To view the webinar in full, please follow the link below to register for free: Ā  *This webinar was made possible by donors who recognize the value of this type of resource. To help us continue to make resources like this available, [...]

Voices of Hope: What it’s Like to be a Black Christian Woman in the United States-Part 12025-02-14T16:19:46+00:00

Contact Info

P.O. Box 33677 Denver, CO 80233

Phone: 1-888-462-1360

Web: Artios Christian College

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