
The Church and Mental Health


This webinar explores the ways an isolating event like COVID-19 have pushed mental health needs to the forefront in our culture. Join us as our panel of mental health professionals discuss topics of mental health such as: how leaders can move past the stigmas of mental health in their selves and those they serve, how to thrive and flourish in challenging circumstances, how to respond to serious mental health trauma and more. This webinar includes a downloadable handbook as well. You can register to view this webinar for free at:   *This webinar was made possible by donors who recognize [...]

The Church and Mental Health2024-02-21T15:07:55-07:00

Why Get Off the Couch and Go To Church?


By Loren Gjesdal As a pastor who found it necessary to call a congregation back to church in person after doing church online, I realized that it wasn’t enough to simply say “We’re open, you can come back now.” I realized it was going to be essential to answer the question, “Why?” “Why should I get off my comfortable couch, dress up, drive over, and do the same thing in a pew instead?” The Biblical answer is simple and clear:  because you’re needed here! God’s plan is for every member to be a minister. The Reformers called God’s plan the “Priesthood of All [...]

Why Get Off the Couch and Go To Church?2022-07-11T09:16:51-06:00

Are We Loving Each Other?


By Lisa Harp Hinds Are we loving each other? Meeting each other’s needs? How are we modeling Christ? Are we letting fear, frustration, and/or our need for individuality and some measure of control over our own lives get in the way of loving each other? INSTRUCTIONS FROM THE HOLY BIBLE God’s Word contains instructions on how we are to treat each other. In Matthew 7:12, Christ Jesus tells us, “Therefore, whatever you want men to do to you, do also to them, for this is the Law and the Prophets.” In other words, if we want people to treat us kindly, then we [...]

Are We Loving Each Other?2022-06-30T13:07:17-06:00

Building Beautiful Churches for Jesus


By Whaid Rose Building Beautiful Churches for Jesus: Why the post-COVID church must redefine itself and its mission. Once upon a time a local church decided to build larger facilities to accommodate its rapid growth. It was a wealthy church, so it spent lavishly in making sure the new campus was the finest in town. Building program complete, an auspicious dedication event was convened. The keynote speaker was a former senior pastor who had national name recognition, which drew community and media attention. But as he arose to deliver his message, the appearance of a giant hand high above the stage—as [...]

Building Beautiful Churches for Jesus2022-06-30T13:08:09-06:00

7 Questions to Ask Yourself Before You Leave Your Church


By Lisa Harp Hinds Thinking seriously about leaving your church? Maybe you’re tired of other members’ attitudes or you don’t connect with the pastor. Perhaps you feel neglected, like you simply don’t belong. As someone who left my church because of my own issues but later returned, I suggest asking yourself these 7 questions before deciding to leave your church: 1. DOES MY CHURCH FOLLOW BIBLICAL STRUCTURE? Each member of the church has an important role to play. Acts 6 gives us an example of members of the church having different functions. I Corinthians 12 addresses the spiritual gifts, specifically recognizing that each member’s separate gift plays a role in [...]

7 Questions to Ask Yourself Before You Leave Your Church2022-07-12T12:33:36-06:00

5 Reasons I Came Back to the Church


By Lisa Harp Hinds If you read “5 Reasons I Left the Church”, you know that, yes, I was one of “those” who had left the church for a combination of reasons. But I came back! Wondering why? Wondering if some of the people who have left your church might return? Wondering what you could do to help them? NUMBER 5 REASON I CAME BACK TO THE CHURCH: SOMEONE WAS PRAYING FOR ME. This is huge, people! I John 5:14-16 tells us, not only can we have confidence in approaching God to ask for anything within His will, but we should pray for our brothers and [...]

5 Reasons I Came Back to the Church2022-07-12T12:34:05-06:00

What Does Scripture Say About Women Leading in the Church?


By Jessica Monrose Leadership in the church is generally viewed as a position or title held by those in authority, predominately filled by men. In contrast, women usually fill supportive, non-dominating roles within the church such as administrative work and childcare. What does scripture say about women leading in the church? LEADING AS A CALLING Because of their identity in Christ, women are called to lead. All Christians have a calling on his or her life, which is to be the image bearer of God, leading others to Him. This primary call is a person’s identity in Christ and is manifested in their everyday lives. God’s character is [...]

What Does Scripture Say About Women Leading in the Church?2022-07-12T12:35:52-06:00

Why We Need Administration in Church Ministries


By Kristin Gonzalez In middle school, I learned a valuable lesson about administration and leadership. I had a science teacher who engaged us in hands-on science projects and experiments. Within her classroom, I learned about the scientific method, photosynthesis, and leadership. I vividly remember her telling me she was placing two boys in a group with me for a hot air balloon project. She also informed me that I was the group leader. We were to create a hot air balloon out of tissue paper that would soar to the heights of the gym ceiling. I was very excited about another great [...]

Why We Need Administration in Church Ministries2022-07-12T12:36:09-06:00

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Phone: 1-888-462-1360

Web: Artios Christian College

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