
From Modernity to Postmodernity: A Primer for Leaders – Part 3


by Amber Mann Riggs “It seems like we are speaking two different languages.” If you have ever thought this, you aren’t alone. As religion columnist Phyllis Tickle observed, approximately every 500 years, Western culture—and the Church in particular—undergoes such a significant change in paradigms that words often develop two sets of meanings. True to the pattern, we are currently in an era of significant transformation.¹ Anyone who spends much time reading serious analysis of 21st century Christianity, culture, and ministry is going to come across the term “postmodernity”. Indeed, much of our understanding of culture is directly dependent on our ability [...]

From Modernity to Postmodernity: A Primer for Leaders – Part 32023-11-14T17:00:39-07:00

Resonant Leadership: 6 Tips for the Extroverted Leader


by Mary Meadows Our culture is obsessed with extroverts. These friendly, sociable, outgoing people are idealized in the morning news, our social media feeds, and our work places. This extroverted ideal is especially prevalent in leadership. Because extroverts crave external stimulation, they are often looked to as natural leaders. Researchers estimate that 50 to 74 percent of the U.S. population is extroverted.¹ Other studies have shown that an astounding 96 percent of leaders and managers report being extroverted!² We’ve already established that leadership is not dependent on personality. Through Christ we have all been recreated to be leaders, and we are [...]

Resonant Leadership: 6 Tips for the Extroverted Leader2023-08-30T15:41:10-06:00

Leadership Essentials: Communication and Clarity


by Artios Magazine One of the most practical qualities of a leader is his or her ability to effectively communicate. Effective communication is particularly an essential ingredient in everyday Christian leadership. This quality requires intentionality. More concisely, it requires clarity. In Artios Christian College‘s introductory course Essentials of Vibrant Leadership (LEA11), students study several books on Christian leadership as they explore the essential qualities of Christian leadership. Both communication and clarity are among them. Though these two essentials can stand independently, they also relate. Communication as a Leadership Essential “Sometimes we forget about the power of words and the need for [...]

Leadership Essentials: Communication and Clarity2023-08-29T14:22:14-06:00

Leadership in Crisis


by Israel Steinmetz The world is a different place than it was just five months ago.   As I’m writing on the final day of April, there are over 3,000,000 confirmed global cases of COVID-19 and nearly a quarter of a million reported deaths. One-third of those three million cases are in the United States along with over 60,000 of those deaths.   In the wake of the COVID-19 health pandemic is a global economic crisis, impacting employment, manufacturing, the supply and food chain, and global markets. Here in the US we’re rapidly headed toward the worst financial crisis in our history. [...]

Leadership in Crisis2023-08-29T14:08:46-06:00

How to Avoid Small Talk (And Why You Should)


by Caitlin Meadows Does anyone really like small talk? “Hi! How are you?” “I’m well, thanks! How are you?” “I’m good!” And with that, social etiquette deems both individuals free to part ways. We make small talk countless times throughout each week. On auto-pilot we ask about the other person’s well being. No second thought must be given to their answer. We generally don’t wonder if “I’m well” or “I’m good” statements are true. Trained to be polite, we hardly even listen to the response. As an ambivert who leans more toward introversion, I often handle small talk as something to get [...]

How to Avoid Small Talk (And Why You Should)2023-08-16T15:58:14-06:00

3 Keys to Communicating Christ


By Caitlin Meadows Do you communicate with someone at least once a day? If so, you are a communicator. Are you a follower of Christ? If so, you are a leader. You are a leader because you were created and re-created to lead. You are a communicator because, well, we are all communicators. Every day you send and receive messages with those around you – your family, co-workers, neighbors, friends, and even strangers. In other words, you communicate. Unless you opt for the hermit life, communication is unavoidable. Through your various communications with those around you, you are leading each person to a conclusion about your life. So, as an influential [...]

3 Keys to Communicating Christ2022-07-28T15:46:44-06:00

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