
Understanding Gospel Indicatives and Imperatives


By Caitlin Meadows “I’d like to be baptized someday but I don’t think I’m ready yet. I need more time.” I’ve heard statements along these lines several times. Those making this sort of statement wrongly believe that they must first be good enough before receiving the salvation that Christ offers them. Some have parents enforcing this false belief. Others grew up in congregations that focused more on how the Bible commands Jesus-followers to live and less (or not at all) on what Jesus Christ has already accomplished on their behalf. In effect, these individuals believe they have to fulfill gospel imperatives without first [...]

Understanding Gospel Indicatives and Imperatives2022-08-03T15:42:46-06:00

Justified by the Law or Saved by Grace?


By Mike Wallace “You have become estranged from Christ, you who attempt to be justified by law; you have fallen from grace” (Gal. 5:4). (All Scripture quotations are NKJV unless otherwise noted.) I tried. I tried very hard to get all 1,100 points. I failed. Forty years ago, in college I was a mediocre B- to C+ college student. I never got below a “C” in any class but getting an “A” was a very difficult goal for me to reach, except for history or physical education. Now, 40 years later I am in college again. Time value of growth and [...]

Justified by the Law or Saved by Grace?2022-08-03T15:39:38-06:00

3 Keys to Communicating Christ


By Caitlin Meadows Do you communicate with someone at least once a day? If so, you are a communicator. Are you a follower of Christ? If so, you are a leader. You are a leader because you were created and re-created to lead. You are a communicator because, well, we are all communicators. Every day you send and receive messages with those around you – your family, co-workers, neighbors, friends, and even strangers. In other words, you communicate. Unless you opt for the hermit life, communication is unavoidable. Through your various communications with those around you, you are leading each person to a conclusion about your life. So, as an influential [...]

3 Keys to Communicating Christ2022-07-28T15:46:44-06:00

What is Real Worship?


By Esther Winchell In the life of a Christian, worship is a necessary discipline in developing a relationship with our Maker and Savior. HOW DID I LEARN ABOUT REAL WORSHIP? There were times before taking classes through Artios Christian College (formerly, LifeSpring School of Ministry) when I believed that worship was only what happened at church with the song service and corporate prayers. Boy, was I wrong! In addition to those thoughts, worship songs were slow and praise songs were upbeat because that was what I was taught. Wrong again! When I first began my studies, I could sense that I needed to [...]

What is Real Worship?2022-07-20T13:40:23-06:00

How Do You Learn Proper Biblical Interpretation?


By David Zellers Have you ever heard or read something about what is in the Bible and wondered, “Is that really right?” You hear sermons and read books, articles, and the commentaries in your Bible, but sometimes these do not seem right. Additionally, when reading your Bible, you may find it hard to relate it to your life. Studying the Bible takes some time and effort. However, with study, the Bible becomes a living, relevant source of wisdom, guidance, and meaning for your life.  Thereby, to find the truth that sets you free, you must make certain you are receiving the [...]

How Do You Learn Proper Biblical Interpretation?2022-07-20T13:29:16-06:00

The Life of Christ: A Testimony of Beautiful Lives


By Chip Hinds THE LIFE OF CHRIST IN THE LIVES OF TRUE DISCIPLES Greetings in the name of Jesus, faithful disciples of the Lord. Some of you may wonder why I am always writing positive things, even when times are difficult. First, it is a commandment recorded by the Apostle Paul under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18, NIV Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus. But one of the most compelling reasons is the wonderful life of Jesus Christ I witness in the lives of [...]

The Life of Christ: A Testimony of Beautiful Lives2022-07-20T13:26:29-06:00

“I’ve Got This”


By Chip Hinds “I’ve Got This!!!” Said Someone Who Was Clueless But Wait… Are things not going according to Plan? Oh, the treasures we have learned from the 2020 pandemic. Number one among those is to “Focus on Jesus and follow his plan.” Number two among those is, “We Are Better Together.” Yes, we had those themes before the pandemic. But our appreciation has grown exponentially through experiencing the pandemic. LEARNING FROM THE FUTURE-SELF Our daughter shared with us a newly circulating humorous video portraying a woman four months ago being contacted by her future-self. The future-self is from today’s timeframe. The [...]

“I’ve Got This”2022-07-20T13:24:24-06:00

5 Things Churches Need to Know About Mental Health


By Israel Steinmetz One area in which churches could be more informed and proactive is relating to individuals who have mental health concerns. Oftentimes, people who feel isolated and hopeless because of mental health issues don’t find the support and care they need from the church. It doesn’t have to be this way. Churches—particularly small churches—can serve as healing communities for people with mental health concerns. In order to do this, some basics need to be understood. Let’s look at five things small churches need to know about mental health in order to be a healing community: Mental health problems are [...]

5 Things Churches Need to Know About Mental Health2022-07-20T09:52:20-06:00

Respecting Friends with Mental Health Concerns: Insights for the Church


By Lark Braten Having a mental illness makes it challenging for one to maintain the respect of others. It might draw sympathy, curiosity, suspicion, or disdain; but, rarely does it cause anything but a downward trend in respect. This happens for a variety of reasons but regardless of the cause, it comes at a point in a person’s life when they’re greatly in need of social support and confirmation of their value to help them heal. Learning how to respect those dealing with mental health issues through word, action, and attitude is a skill we as Christians would do well to develop. The following are [...]

Respecting Friends with Mental Health Concerns: Insights for the Church2022-07-20T09:50:31-06:00

ACT: Guidance for Relating to Friends with Mental Health Concerns


By Israel Steinmetz “Therefore if there is any encouragement in Christ, if there is any consolation of love, if there is any fellowship of the Spirit, if any affection and compassion, make my joy complete by being of the same mind, maintaining the same love, united in spirit, intent on one purpose. Do nothing from selfishness of empty conceit, but with humility of mind regard one another as more important than yourselves; do not merely look out for your own personal interests, but also for the interests of others.” 1 This passage forms the basis for the acronym ACT which summarizes basic guidelines for [...]

ACT: Guidance for Relating to Friends with Mental Health Concerns2022-07-20T09:47:09-06:00

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P.O. Box 33677 Denver, CO 80233

Phone: 1-888-462-1360

Web: Artios Christian College

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