
Tonight We Remember (A Reflection on the Lord’s Supper)


by Amber Mann Riggs Dishes pile up, noisy disagreements echo off of toddler-decorated walls, my newsfeed baits and agitates and broadcasts destruction and heartache. I pick yet another wayward Lego off the floor as my teeth clench to narrowly avoid lashing out in frustration. Today, it is so easy to forget that tonight, we remember. We remember that… The Lord Jesus, on the night he was betrayed, took bread, and when he had given thanks, he broke it and said, “This is my body, which is for you; do this in remembrance of me.” In the same way, after supper he [...]

Tonight We Remember (A Reflection on the Lord’s Supper)2023-09-12T15:07:41-06:00

Leading and Managing: What’s The Difference?


by Chip Hinds (Excerpt borrowed with permission from the Southwest District Superintendent’s Blog) Are you acting in the roles of leadership and/or management? Last week, in discussion with SWD HOPE Ministry Co-Director David Burrell, we remarked to one another how launching into a project, even in turbulent circumstances when the way was still being charted, was not a problem for either one of us. He remarked jokingly, “Yes, that is us sometimes, ‘fire … ready … aim.’” I admire David Burrell and Martin Ramirez, also Co-Director of SWD HOPE Ministry, because of what they are doing “outside the four walls of [...]

Leading and Managing: What’s The Difference?2023-08-24T14:55:46-06:00

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