
How Biblical Fellowship Can Restore the Church- Part 4


By Israel Steinmetz The modern Church is in crisis. We do not lack the power, presence or purpose of God. However, we do lack the unified fellowship to fully utilize His power, experience His presence, and accomplish His purpose. The unity of thought, spirit, practice and faith that was so evident in the New Testament Church is severely lacking in the modern Church and the effects are devastating. In part one we established that the crisis of the modern Church relates to our understanding and application of New Testament fellowship. Part two examined the particulars of New Testament fellowship as it was practiced by the [...]

How Biblical Fellowship Can Restore the Church- Part 42025-02-14T16:17:27+00:00

How Biblical Fellowship Can Restore the Church- Part 3


By Israel Steinmetz The modern Church is in crisis. We do not lack the power, presence or purpose of God. However, we do lack the unified fellowship to fully utilize His power, experience His presence, and accomplish His purpose. The unity of thought, spirit, practice and faith that was so evident in the New Testament Church is severely lacking in the modern Church and the effects are devastating. In part one we established that the crisis of the modern Church relates to our understanding of, and most notably our application of, the doctrine of New Testament fellowship. Part two examined the particulars of New Testament [...]

How Biblical Fellowship Can Restore the Church- Part 32025-02-14T16:17:27+00:00

How Biblical Fellowship Can Restore the Church- Part 2


By Israel Steinmetz The modern Church is in crisis. We do not lack the power, presence or purpose of God. However, we do lack the unified fellowship to fully utilize His power, experience His presence, and accomplish His purpose. The unity of thought, spirit, practice and faith that was so evident in the New Testament Church is severely lacking in the modern Church and the effects are devastating. In part one we established that the crisis of the modern Church relates to our understanding of, and most notably our application of, the doctrine of New Testament fellowship. We will now examine the particulars [...]

How Biblical Fellowship Can Restore the Church- Part 22025-02-14T16:17:27+00:00

How Biblical Fellowship can Restore the Church- Part 1


By Israel Steinmetz The modern Church is in crisis. We do not lack the power, presence or purpose of God. However, we do lack the unified fellowship to fully utilize His power, experience His presence, and accomplish His purpose. The unity of thought, spirit, practice and faith that was so evident in the New Testament Church is severely lacking in the modern Church and the effects are devastating. In the modern Church there is a crisis regarding our understanding of, and most notably our application of, the doctrine of New Testament fellowship. THE CHURCH IN CRISIS This crisis of fellowship is [...]

How Biblical Fellowship can Restore the Church- Part 12025-02-14T16:17:27+00:00

How My Struggle with Anxiety Proves My Victory


By Caitlin Meadows “When a person struggles with anxiety, that person is not living in the victory of Christ.” That’s what I was told by someone with spiritual clout. During our first conversation, he picked up on the fact that I deal with anxiety. In an attempt to encourage me with the reminder of the victory I have in Christ, I ended up leaving feeling condemned. “If I’m struggling with anxiety and thus, not living in Christ’s victory,” I surmised, “then I must not have Christ.” With that thought, my anxiety quickly flared with hopelessness. For the Christian who deals with mental illnesses [...]

How My Struggle with Anxiety Proves My Victory2025-02-14T16:18:02+00:00

Why We Keep Singing Together: A Collective Response of Love to God


By Andrea Slawson When I was in elementary school, I attended church with a friend quite often. I now know that she attended a Pentecostal church, totally flamboyant and outwardly charismatic! To me, a child around the age of 10 or so, this church was both fascinatingly addictive and terrifying all at the same time. They danced in the aisles, laid hands on you and prayed, probably even spoke in tongues (but I had no idea what that was back then). I was always scared that the minister was going to walk down that red carpeted aisle and point me out [...]

Why We Keep Singing Together: A Collective Response of Love to God2025-02-14T16:18:49+00:00

Why We Keep Singing Together: The Heart of Worship


By Jason Brown Matt Redman penned these powerful opening words to the song, The Heart of Worship, in the late 1990s. These lyrics reflect what our attitude should be regarding worshiping together today: When the music fades All is stripped away And I simply come Longing just to bring Something that’s of worth That will bless your heart I’ll bring you more than a song For a song in itself Is not what you have required You search much deeper within Through the way things appear You’re looking into my heart… 1 When I think of worship, I immediately envision a congregation standing together [...]

Why We Keep Singing Together: The Heart of Worship2025-02-14T16:19:06+00:00

Why We Keep Singing Together: Building Each Other Up


By Loren Gjesdal My local church’s worship team is really tremendous. Vocals, drums, guitars, piano—all very talented. Yet they just can’t quite measure up to my favorite worship band and they rarely play any of the songs on my faves list. Don’t get me wrong, I like our pastor (oh, wait, I am the pastor) but he just can’t hold my interest like Louie Giglio. To experience the most impactful Sabbath worship I choose to stay home and view worship concerts on YouTube and stream the latest Giglio sermon on Facebook. It’s so restful! Isn’t that the purpose of the Sabbath anyway? Maybe this isn’t [...]

Why We Keep Singing Together: Building Each Other Up2025-02-14T16:19:06+00:00

Why Get Off the Couch and Go To Church?


By Loren Gjesdal As a pastor who found it necessary to call a congregation back to church in person after doing church online, I realized that it wasn’t enough to simply say “We’re open, you can come back now.” I realized it was going to be essential to answer the question, “Why?” “Why should I get off my comfortable couch, dress up, drive over, and do the same thing in a pew instead?” The Biblical answer is simple and clear:  because you’re needed here! God’s plan is for every member to be a minister. The Reformers called God’s plan the “Priesthood of All [...]

Why Get Off the Couch and Go To Church?2025-02-14T16:19:07+00:00

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