
Why Doesn’t God Answer My Prayers?


by Martin Cicero Do you ever wonder why our prayers don’t seem to be answered? Reality is, God answers prayer but we may not like the answer. He may say “yes,” “not now,” or “no.” Why is it that it seems we hear “not now” and “no” more than we like? What is it that hinders our prayers? I actually did not realize that there are so many things that hinder our prayers. Things that may hinder our prayers include sin, ignoring God’s Word, an unforgiving heart, refusing to help those in need, wrong motives, lack of faith, poor relationships with [...]

Why Doesn’t God Answer My Prayers?2025-02-14T16:08:19+00:00

5 Reasons I Came Back to the Church


By Lisa Harp Hinds If you read “5 Reasons I Left the Church”, you know that, yes, I was one of “those” who had left the church for a combination of reasons. But I came back! Wondering why? Wondering if some of the people who have left your church might return? Wondering what you could do to help them? NUMBER 5 REASON I CAME BACK TO THE CHURCH: SOMEONE WAS PRAYING FOR ME. This is huge, people! I John 5:14-16 tells us, not only can we have confidence in approaching God to ask for anything within His will, but we should pray for our brothers and [...]

5 Reasons I Came Back to the Church2025-02-14T16:19:46+00:00

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