
A Visions for Christian Education in the Local Church- Part 3


By Amber Riggs You see that three-year-old who can’t sit still during the sermon? The one whose daddy had to take him out of the worship gathering three times last week because he was being disruptive? Yeah…that one. Well, in 15 years he will be 18, graduating from high school and youth group. What if I told you that 18-year-old him can find any verse in the Bible in 8 seconds flat, tell you the author and theme of each book of the Bible, recite several long passages of Scripture, and discuss the many attributes of God at length? And he’s [...]

A Visions for Christian Education in the Local Church- Part 32022-07-28T15:56:56-06:00

A Visions for Christian Education in the Local Church- Part 1


By Amber Riggs Once a year, the kids in my congregation’s Sabbath School classes are called to the front of the sanctuary. With smiles on their faces, they are given certificates and, in many cases, “promoted” to their new classes. On one particular Sabbath several years ago, I watched this ceremony with fear and trembling as it ushered in a new season of my “career” as a Sabbath school teacher. I had taught adult classes, teen classes, elementary school classes, and pre-K/K classes. However, I had most recently taught the 2-3-year-olds. And if teaching 3-year-olds wasn’t intimidating enough, all three of [...]

A Visions for Christian Education in the Local Church- Part 12022-07-28T15:53:54-06:00

How Do You Learn Proper Biblical Interpretation?


By David Zellers Have you ever heard or read something about what is in the Bible and wondered, “Is that really right?” You hear sermons and read books, articles, and the commentaries in your Bible, but sometimes these do not seem right. Additionally, when reading your Bible, you may find it hard to relate it to your life. Studying the Bible takes some time and effort. However, with study, the Bible becomes a living, relevant source of wisdom, guidance, and meaning for your life.  Thereby, to find the truth that sets you free, you must make certain you are receiving the [...]

How Do You Learn Proper Biblical Interpretation?2022-07-20T13:29:16-06:00

“I’ve Got This”


By Chip Hinds “I’ve Got This!!!” Said Someone Who Was Clueless But Wait… Are things not going according to Plan? Oh, the treasures we have learned from the 2020 pandemic. Number one among those is to “Focus on Jesus and follow his plan.” Number two among those is, “We Are Better Together.” Yes, we had those themes before the pandemic. But our appreciation has grown exponentially through experiencing the pandemic. LEARNING FROM THE FUTURE-SELF Our daughter shared with us a newly circulating humorous video portraying a woman four months ago being contacted by her future-self. The future-self is from today’s timeframe. The [...]

“I’ve Got This”2022-07-20T13:24:24-06:00

You Need a Coach


By Whaid Rose To say that coaching is trending these days would be an understatement. Once exclusively related to sports, this term is associated with just about every profession imaginable. WHY THIS RAPID GROWTH OF THE COACHING INDUSTRY? Why this rapid growth of the coaching industry? Theories abound, including the impact of TV shows such as Oprah and Dr. Phil, which, in a real sense, are live coaching sessions. The theory is that as viewers yearned to experience at home the same transformative results they were seeing on television, coaching became part of the cultural conversation and took on a life [...]

You Need a Coach2022-07-20T13:20:57-06:00

Moving from Success to Significance: A Compelling Strategy for Maximizing Life’s Second Half


By Whaid Rose When I turned 50 I took time off to read a book which had been on my reading list for some time. The book is titled Halftime: Moving from Success to Significance, by Bob Buford. It connects that transition period during a ballgame with that point in a person’s life when a new game plan is needed for maximizing life’s second half. In a ballgame, allowances are made for mistakes and fumbles in the first half. But as the clock winds down to zero, the players know they must give it everything they have. So it is in the game [...]

Moving from Success to Significance: A Compelling Strategy for Maximizing Life’s Second Half2022-07-20T09:32:38-06:00

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Phone: 1-888-462-1360

Web: Artios Christian College

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