
Born to Lead


by Loren Gjesdal Are you a born leader?  Most people will answer that question with a resounding, “No!” It seems that even those we hold up as leaders in the church, don’t consider themselves to be natural leaders. “George Barna conducted a survey of senior pastors from across various denominations. When asked if they believed they had the spiritual gift of leadership, only 6 percent responded yes.”¹ God, however, says all believers are to be leaders. “Christian leadership is Christlike influence.”² Isn’t that exactly what is meant by Paul’s instruction to be ambassadors for Christ? (2 Cor 5:20) How can the [...]

Born to Lead2025-02-14T16:08:19+00:00

Re-Created to Meet a Need: Knowing When to Jump In


by Caitlin Meadows I like when I can meet another person’s need. This, of course, is not a personality trait unique to me. In fact, I’d be surprised to learn of a person who doesn’t like to be needed. Like little children who are eager to be their parents’ helper, adults feel satisfaction when we can serve in even the smallest of capacities. My husband is one of six children, four of which are his sisters. Each sister pitches in when we have family meals together at his parents’ house, often with both prep and clean up. I noticed this early [...]

Re-Created to Meet a Need: Knowing When to Jump In2025-02-14T16:09:06+00:00

It’s All About Equipping


By Whaid Rose God designed the Church to remain alive and vibrant despite the passing of time and amidst our rapidly changing culture. Here’s how: The British Monarch and the Christian Church have more in common than we often recognize. Both are age-old institutions struggling to survive in a rapidly changing culture; both struggle to retain and empower its next generation. This welcome perspective comes from Krish Kandiah, a UK-based author; he writes in response to Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s unprecedented move away from the Royal family. (See Megxit and the Church: Harry and Meghan Reflect Our Lost Youth; Christianity [...]

It’s All About Equipping2025-02-14T16:17:42+00:00

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