
Why History Matters in Leadership


by Santiago Chavez Introduction One of the courses that most surprised me in seminary was cultural theology. The first two verses of Romans 12 erupted into my thoughts when I was informed it was a required course. Now, I am sincerely glad I took it. The course dealt with how changes in technology change aspects of culture which in turn affect our understanding of scripture and consequently our application of theology. A simple example is the advance of the automobile. Before the availability of cars, our experience of the world was limited to where we could walk, rarely beyond. Churches were [...]

Why History Matters in Leadership2025-02-14T16:07:47+00:00

Leadership Context: Are You a Leader in the Church?


by Loren Gjesdal Leadership cannot take place in a vacuum. By definition, leadership requires at least 2 people (one to lead and one or more to be led), and almost always takes place within some organizational context, whether formal or informal. Imagine, for instance, a formal context of leadership. Imagine you were hired to an executive position at Apple, such as Director of New Product Development. What are some of the questions you might have? Who is on the team? What are our objectives? What are our resources, procedures and limitations? To fulfill your new role, you would need to know [...]

Leadership Context: Are You a Leader in the Church?2025-02-14T16:08:19+00:00

All the Queen’s Horses: A Leadership Lesson from Elizabeth II


by Whaid Rose I came across a new term in the days following the recent passing of Queen Elizabeth II. It is used to describe the late Queen’s extraordinary influence during her long reign as British Monarch. She was only ten years old when she became heir to the throne in 1936. Eleven years later (age 21) the young Princess made this remarkable promise to her people: “I declare before you all that my whole life, whether it be long or short, shall be devoted to your service and the service of our great imperial family to which we all belong.” [...]

All the Queen’s Horses: A Leadership Lesson from Elizabeth II2025-02-14T16:08:19+00:00

What’s Really Going on in the United States Right Now?


by Israel Steinmetz Visionary Leadership in a Global Crisis These are troubling times. As I’m writing, the World Health Organization is reporting over 16,000,000 global cases of COVID-19 and over 650,000 deaths. The Center for Disease Control reports that 4,000,000 of those cases and nearly 150,000 of those deaths are here in the United States. I know several people who’ve died from COVID-19 and I live in one of the counties where cases, hospitalizations, and deaths are spiking. A financial crisis is on the heals of the health pandemic, with volatile unemployment numbers, financial stimulus from a debt-ridden government, historic economic [...]

What’s Really Going on in the United States Right Now?2025-02-14T16:08:19+00:00

Why Communicating Boundaries is Good


by Caitlin Meadows Have you set appropriate boundaries in your life? One way to evaluate this is to consider your relationship with the word “no”. Do you mind hearing it as an answer? Do you cringe with discomfort when it’s the answer you want to give? I lean more toward the latter. Throughout my teens and early adulthood I was prone to over-commit myself at church, school, and with my friends. I felt pressure to have an adequate reason for my denial and often said yes just to avoid potential conflict. I’d inevitably vent to my parents, complaining about how I felt [...]

Why Communicating Boundaries is Good2025-02-14T16:08:35+00:00

Leadership Essentials: Contemplation of God’s Heart


by Andrea Slawson Reggie McNeal wrote “Christian leaders who stay online with Jesus are shaped by the heart of God.”¹ This is the passion and goal of every Christian leader. The leader who is in communication with and submission to God achieves this goal. This communication and submission “grows out of a secure relationship grounded in love.”² To do this one must be in prayer. Moreover, we must have “regular contemplation on the mysterious and gracious works of God.”³ Contemplation reminds us God is in control and “grounds us in the grace that actually empowers us to serve.”4 To contemplate is [...]

Leadership Essentials: Contemplation of God’s Heart2025-02-14T16:08:35+00:00

Why Jesus-Followers Should See Themselves as Leaders


by Amber Mann Riggs You may not be in the habit of thinking of yourself as a leader. Few of us are. For some, the idea of leadership is intimidating. Others want to lead but don’t feel they are given the opportunity. Some lead in the background without the recognition traditionally associated with leadership. Still others are recognized as leaders but doubt their ability to lead. However, if you are a Christian, whether you hold a title of leadership or not and whether you serve in a position of church leadership or not, there are some very compelling reasons to start thinking of [...]

Why Jesus-Followers Should See Themselves as Leaders2025-02-14T16:08:49+00:00

Leadership Essentials: Character and Spiritual Leadership


by Loren Stacy Can you imagine a church leader who lacks personal character? Who gossips, who lies, or who cannot be trusted to keep his promises? Can you imagine a church leader who is unfaithful to his wife, to his family, to his church and to his God? Unfortunately, one need not imagine such a church leader. Church leaders who actually have done such things stain the pages of church history. More unfortunately, many current church leaders continue in these sinful behaviors. Those who are famous make headlines when their character failures are exposed. Ironically, it often is their hunger for [...]

Leadership Essentials: Character and Spiritual Leadership2025-02-14T16:08:49+00:00

The Leadership Conversation: What is a Leader?


by Mary Meadows Do you identify as a leader? If you had asked me this question three years ago I would have called you crazy. I am an extreme introvert. As a result, the thought of being a leader—of telling people what to do or making decisions for a group—made me want to retreat to my quiet corner of the world and hide behind the cover of a book. Not only am I an introvert, but I’m really good at helping out behind the scenes. Do you need kitchen help at a church hosted dinner? No problem! Music selected and organized [...]

The Leadership Conversation: What is a Leader?2025-02-14T16:08:49+00:00

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