ministry partners

12 Ways to Reduce Your Leadership Impact


by Chip Hinds My intention is to become a vibrant leader as a vibrant member of a vibrant church. To do this requires the practice of the best leadership principles. I’ve often learned the most important leadership principles through the experience of doing the wrong things. I’d like to share some of those lessons I’ve learned the hard way. So, if you want to reduce your leadership impact, here are twelve ways to do it.[ref]Just for the sake of clarity: this list outlines what NOT to do. It is a parody of how a vibrant 21st Christian should really lead. C. [...]

12 Ways to Reduce Your Leadership Impact2025-02-14T16:09:06+00:00

Leading and Managing: What’s The Difference?


by Chip Hinds (Excerpt borrowed with permission from the Southwest District Superintendent’s Blog) Are you acting in the roles of leadership and/or management? Last week, in discussion with SWD HOPE Ministry Co-Director David Burrell, we remarked to one another how launching into a project, even in turbulent circumstances when the way was still being charted, was not a problem for either one of us. He remarked jokingly, “Yes, that is us sometimes, ‘fire … ready … aim.’” I admire David Burrell and Martin Ramirez, also Co-Director of SWD HOPE Ministry, because of what they are doing “outside the four walls of [...]

Leading and Managing: What’s The Difference?2025-02-14T16:09:06+00:00

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