
What’s Really Going on in the United States Right Now?


by Israel Steinmetz Visionary Leadership in a Global Crisis These are troubling times. As I’m writing, the World Health Organization is reporting over 16,000,000 global cases of COVID-19 and over 650,000 deaths. The Center for Disease Control reports that 4,000,000 of those cases and nearly 150,000 of those deaths are here in the United States. I know several people who’ve died from COVID-19 and I live in one of the counties where cases, hospitalizations, and deaths are spiking. A financial crisis is on the heals of the health pandemic, with volatile unemployment numbers, financial stimulus from a debt-ridden government, historic economic [...]

What’s Really Going on in the United States Right Now?2025-02-14T16:08:19+00:00

What Redemption Means for Followers of Christ


By Jason Overman We say it as often as we can: Jesus-followers have been re-created by Christ to lead on His behalf in our everyday lives and circles. But why? Because of His redemption. With an accurate understanding of this common Christian word, we come to a greater personal appreciation of the gospel. And with that greater appreciation comes a deeper desire to live surrendered to His leading which enables us to influence others for Him. Redeemed — how I love to proclaim it! Redeemed by the blood of the Lamb; Redeemed thro’ His infinite mercy, His child, and forever, I am.” Perhaps [...]

What Redemption Means for Followers of Christ2025-02-14T16:17:42+00:00

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