
Five Habits of Jesus-Followers Who Make “Christian Gossip” an Oxymoron


by Caitlin Meadows Gossip. It is to modern Christianity what speeding is to modern society. An infraction at worst. Not even a misdemeanor. We know we’re not supposed to do it and will face consequences if caught, but we comfort ourselves with the reality that everyone does it. It’s convenient. And it’s not as bad as other sins like adultery or theft. Right…? Deep down in our hearts, we know our logic is flawed. Scripture is clear on the subject. Don’t do it. But, we do. From a young age, at least in my life, gossip became a habit. For those of [...]

Five Habits of Jesus-Followers Who Make “Christian Gossip” an Oxymoron2025-02-14T16:08:35+00:00

3 Keys to Overcoming the Burnout of Serving Others


by Paul Pedersen The burnout grew slowly. It was a general feeling of frustration with my work. As I would drive to work in the darkness of the early morning, I struggled to see the importance of what I was doing. I wanted to quit. For several years, I have worked full-time at a homeless shelter. This kind of service work can be very rewarding. Every day that I would go to work, I knew that I could make an impact in someone’s life. Yet, service work is notorious for its high rate of burnout. I have worked with people who [...]

3 Keys to Overcoming the Burnout of Serving Others2025-02-14T16:09:35+00:00

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