
What Is a Pastor’s God-given Duty?


by David Zellers “My fellow Americans, ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country.”[1] Just as many Americans answered John F. Kennedy’s call to duty for their country, pastors are answering God’s call to duty for the Body of Christ. Sadly, many pastors find their congregations expect their pastor to lead, or at least be involved in, every program and be at the beck and call of every member 24/7; in addition, they expect an award-winning sermon during every service. However, what are the pastor’s responsibilities according to God’s Word? The Bible [...]

What Is a Pastor’s God-given Duty?2025-02-14T16:08:50+00:00

A Look at the Book of Psalms: Does It Still Apply Today?


By Lisa Harp Hinds Do you enjoy reading the book of Psalms but wonder how it applies to your life? Does it continue to have significance? There are three main theological themes in the Psalms which make them significant for Christians today. These are: salvation, faith, and wisdom. Even as new covenant believers, we can use the themes in this Old Testament book to teach us how to live and lead for Christ. As 2 Timothy 3:16-17 states, “All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God [...]

A Look at the Book of Psalms: Does It Still Apply Today?2025-02-14T16:18:49+00:00

Scripture Alone…But Not Alone with Scripture


By Amber Riggs Alone with the unknown creature, the blind man caressed its skin, memorizing each wrinkle and marveling at the gentle strength of the tall, snakelike animal. “Come! Come see this animal! I’ve never met anything like it!” he called to his friend as he backed away to give the friend a turn. The friend, also blind, approached the creature from a different angle. Instead of silently marveling at a tall snakelike creature, his hands examined what felt like a living tree trunk. Still, he was amazed and passed on the exciting invitation to a third blind friend and backed [...]

Scripture Alone…But Not Alone with Scripture2025-02-14T16:18:49+00:00

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