
It’s All About Equipping


By Whaid Rose God designed the Church to remain alive and vibrant despite the passing of time and amidst our rapidly changing culture. Here’s how: The British Monarch and the Christian Church have more in common than we often recognize. Both are age-old institutions struggling to survive in a rapidly changing culture; both struggle to retain and empower its next generation. This welcome perspective comes from Krish Kandiah, a UK-based author; he writes in response to Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s unprecedented move away from the Royal family. (See Megxit and the Church: Harry and Meghan Reflect Our Lost Youth; Christianity [...]

It’s All About Equipping2025-02-14T16:17:42+00:00

5 Simple Ways to Increase Sabbath School Attendance


By Israel Steinmetz Most Sabbath School teachers share a common frustration: low attendance. They feel like their congregation would benefit from Sabbath School class, but fewer than half of those who attend the worship service show up for class. Here are five tips for attracting more people to class: 1. LET TEACHERS TEACH Many church classrooms consist of a discussion facilitator lobbing questions at a large group (10 or more people) who then “discuss” the topic. Oftentimes, this discussion consists of people repeating their favorite sayings, affirming their pre-conceived ideas, and trading half-quoted Scriptures. While the “round table” approach might work well [...]

5 Simple Ways to Increase Sabbath School Attendance2025-02-14T16:17:42+00:00

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Phone: 1-888-462-1360

Web: Artios Christian College

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