
What are the Essentials of Spiritual Leadership?


by Whaid Rose Essentials of Spiritual Leadership On January 13, 2012, the Italian cruise ship, Costa Concordia, ran aground in shallow waters near Isola del Giglio, off the coast of Tuscany. A total of 32 lives were lost, and hundreds of passengers had to be rescued from the capsized vessel. The incident drew much attention, most of which focused on what was obvious to the most casual observer: this accident could have been easily avoided. The Costa Concordia, which was on its first leg of a cruise around the Mediterranean Sea, deviated from its planned route and sailed close to shore [...]

What are the Essentials of Spiritual Leadership?2023-10-17T15:04:08-06:00

Leadership Essentials: Clarity of Vision


by Dirk Anderson In 1966, Star Trek first aired on television. It featured gadgets such as the communicator, wireless earpieces, the hypospray, and the medical tricorder. Fifty years later all those devices have materialized in our world. We have flip-phones, Bluetooth, jet injectors, and the Scanadu SCOUT medical device.¹ The visionary behind Star Trek, Gene Roddenberry, not only imagined a future world with cool gadgets, but also communicated the vision of a money-less Earth without greed, hunger, or poverty. Moreover, he imagined a society where all races, including aliens, live in peace and harmony. We have yet to see if the [...]

Leadership Essentials: Clarity of Vision2023-09-07T14:22:47-06:00

Leadership Essentials: Communication and Clarity


by Artios Magazine One of the most practical qualities of a leader is his or her ability to effectively communicate. Effective communication is particularly an essential ingredient in everyday Christian leadership. This quality requires intentionality. More concisely, it requires clarity. In Artios Christian College‘s introductory course Essentials of Vibrant Leadership (LEA11), students study several books on Christian leadership as they explore the essential qualities of Christian leadership. Both communication and clarity are among them. Though these two essentials can stand independently, they also relate. Communication as a Leadership Essential “Sometimes we forget about the power of words and the need for [...]

Leadership Essentials: Communication and Clarity2023-08-29T14:22:14-06:00

In Search of Character


by Whaid Rose Character Formation To set the stage for this article, it is necessary to reveal something of my dark past: I once got into trouble in high school! It was an incident involving my entire homeroom class. The teacher didn’t show up, and we kids seized the opportunity to goof off. Apparently, it was noisy enough to get the principal’s attention. This was back in the ‘70s in Jamaica where punishment was still being administered corporally in public schools, so his arrival at our homeroom naturally prompted fear. But his reaction caught the class off guard. He quietly walked [...]

In Search of Character2023-08-18T09:43:18-06:00

Envision Next


Envision Next is an event crafted and presented by Whaid Rose, Director of the Artios Center for Vibrant Leadership. It focuses on the power of the small church to dramatically impact the world through God's mission. You can schedule this event to be presented live in your local church or area. You can read more detail about the event here: Envision What’s Next: A Big Vision for Small Churches - The Artios Center for Vibrant Leadership ( You can view a recording of this presentation below: A Big Vision for Small Churches - Facing the Future with Hope - YouTube   [...]

Envision Next2022-06-27T13:06:29-06:00

Contact Info

P.O. Box 33677 Denver, CO 80233

Phone: 1-888-462-1360

Web: Artios Christian College

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