
What Our Stress Tells Us About Our Work


By Amber Riggs There are these little markers in my life that let me know when I’m not managing stress well. My patience with my kids tanks. I become too busy to eat. When I get in bed at night, the very act of being still will trigger nervous twitching. I’ll avoid doing things that need to be done and perpetually put them off “until tomorrow”. Instead of going to bed, I will “wind down” by staying up way too late watching a Hallmark movie. Once I get in bed, my social media feeds will be treated to a few extra [...]

What Our Stress Tells Us About Our Work2023-08-23T15:56:57-06:00

Our Work and Our Worship: Labor Day Reflections for Committed Disciples


By Whaid Rose Talk of Floyd Martin, a Georgia mailman, filled the air as some 300 people gathered for the surprise block party planned to mark his retirement! Floyd was retiring after 35 years with the Postal Service, and the people celebrating him lived along the downtown Marietta route Floyd worked for the last 20 of those years. To these folks, Floyd was much more than a mailman. Each day he delivered positive energy and encouragement, even feeding the birds and animals as he did his work. So they decorated their mailboxes, raised money for Floyd’s getaway trip to Hawaii, and [...]

Our Work and Our Worship: Labor Day Reflections for Committed Disciples2023-08-23T15:58:38-06:00

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