
Do You Speak the Language?


by Loren Gjesdal Imagine that in six months you were committed to depart for an overseas missionary ministry.  What are some of the things you would use the next few months to do? I suspect that you would invest considerable time researching the country you were going to be working in. What language is spoken? How much of it could you learn in six months? What is the culture like? What do they value, what are their norms and customs, what is the most common religion, what are its doctrines? I suspect you would use all this information with one overarching [...]

Do You Speak the Language?2025-02-14T16:08:19+00:00

The Leadership Conversation: Why Should We Study Culture?


By Mary Meadows Culture is complex. Not only does the term encompass everything that makes up a unique society, but culture is constantly changing and evolving. In the previous Artios Leadership Conversation, Israel Steinmetz and Amber Mann Riggs (co-directors of Artios Christian College) established that, as Christians, we should care about our culture. Whether we like to admit it or not, culture shapes us and shapes the Church. This isn’t necessarily a bad thing. However, it’s important to recognize that influence and ask if this is helping us accomplish God’s mission for our lives—or if it is pulling our attention away from Him. But, [...]

The Leadership Conversation: Why Should We Study Culture?2025-02-14T16:17:27+00:00

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