
Working Through a Crisis


by Janna Wiley Working from home can be something alien to most of us. Adapting to the changes in our routines and lifestyle can be a bit of a shock to us both mentally and physically. As humans, we can adapt to changes as best as we can. After some suggestions from friends and family members, we can start creating our new normal with working from home, but why are we still down? Why am I still tired? Why am I still lingering in the past? Most of us, maybe, have never worked through a crisis. Sometimes a “crisis” can extend [...]

Working Through a Crisis2025-02-14T16:09:21+00:00

It’s Not Okay for Kids to be Bored in Church


By Israel Steinmetz I baptized my three oldest kids in 2015. It’s incredible to watch them worship together with the local body of Christ they’ve become a part of. I love worshipping with my kids. Whether at home or with our church, there’s something awesome about joining them in song to our Creator and Redeemer. Last week in service I held my four year old’s hand as we sang together. I looked across the aisle at three of my other children as they praised alongside their friends. My middle school daughter stays through the entire service, taking copious sermon notes and [...]

It’s Not Okay for Kids to be Bored in Church2025-02-14T16:17:42+00:00

What is Real Worship?


By Esther Winchell In the life of a Christian, worship is a necessary discipline in developing a relationship with our Maker and Savior. HOW DID I LEARN ABOUT REAL WORSHIP? There were times before taking classes through Artios Christian College (formerly, LifeSpring School of Ministry) when I believed that worship was only what happened at church with the song service and corporate prayers. Boy, was I wrong! In addition to those thoughts, worship songs were slow and praise songs were upbeat because that was what I was taught. Wrong again! When I first began my studies, I could sense that I needed to [...]

What is Real Worship?2025-02-14T16:17:42+00:00

Our Work and Our Worship: Labor Day Reflections for Committed Disciples


By Whaid Rose Talk of Floyd Martin, a Georgia mailman, filled the air as some 300 people gathered for the surprise block party planned to mark his retirement! Floyd was retiring after 35 years with the Postal Service, and the people celebrating him lived along the downtown Marietta route Floyd worked for the last 20 of those years. To these folks, Floyd was much more than a mailman. Each day he delivered positive energy and encouragement, even feeding the birds and animals as he did his work. So they decorated their mailboxes, raised money for Floyd’s getaway trip to Hawaii, and [...]

Our Work and Our Worship: Labor Day Reflections for Committed Disciples2025-02-14T16:18:49+00:00

A Compelling Case for Contemporary Worship Songs


By Israel Steinmetz I grew up singing old traditional hymns. I loved to worship singing them as a child and I love to worship singing them now. Few things draw me as quickly or closely to God’s presence as the simple, heartrending Near the Cross or the poetic strains of Be Thou My Vision. Yet I also love many of the contemporary songs being composed today. Sadly, people’s love for traditional or contemporary has often resulted in conflict and division within the Church. “Worship wars” rage on as people tout their tastes and preferences and all too often we act as though we are [...]

A Compelling Case for Contemporary Worship Songs2025-02-14T16:18:49+00:00

Why We Keep Singing Together: A Collective Response of Love to God


By Andrea Slawson When I was in elementary school, I attended church with a friend quite often. I now know that she attended a Pentecostal church, totally flamboyant and outwardly charismatic! To me, a child around the age of 10 or so, this church was both fascinatingly addictive and terrifying all at the same time. They danced in the aisles, laid hands on you and prayed, probably even spoke in tongues (but I had no idea what that was back then). I was always scared that the minister was going to walk down that red carpeted aisle and point me out [...]

Why We Keep Singing Together: A Collective Response of Love to God2025-02-14T16:18:49+00:00

Why We Keep Singing Together: A Timeless Act of Worship


By Richard Palmer Why do we keep singing together? To provide a clear answer we must explore two fundamental aspects of worship: why we sing and why we assemble. Robert Webber states that “The first act of worship is to assemble the people. This is no mere human act lacking in theological significance.  Rather, it is an act of divine initiative through which God calls the people to gather and in which the worshiping community is actualized.” 1 The Bible uses imagery in the Old and New Testaments showing God as a gatherer and shepherd of His people. Music was a vital part of [...]

Why We Keep Singing Together: A Timeless Act of Worship2025-02-14T16:19:06+00:00

Why We Keep Singing Together: The Heart of Worship


By Jason Brown Matt Redman penned these powerful opening words to the song, The Heart of Worship, in the late 1990s. These lyrics reflect what our attitude should be regarding worshiping together today: When the music fades All is stripped away And I simply come Longing just to bring Something that’s of worth That will bless your heart I’ll bring you more than a song For a song in itself Is not what you have required You search much deeper within Through the way things appear You’re looking into my heart… 1 When I think of worship, I immediately envision a congregation standing together [...]

Why We Keep Singing Together: The Heart of Worship2025-02-14T16:19:06+00:00

Why We Keep Singing Together: Building Each Other Up


By Loren Gjesdal My local church’s worship team is really tremendous. Vocals, drums, guitars, piano—all very talented. Yet they just can’t quite measure up to my favorite worship band and they rarely play any of the songs on my faves list. Don’t get me wrong, I like our pastor (oh, wait, I am the pastor) but he just can’t hold my interest like Louie Giglio. To experience the most impactful Sabbath worship I choose to stay home and view worship concerts on YouTube and stream the latest Giglio sermon on Facebook. It’s so restful! Isn’t that the purpose of the Sabbath anyway? Maybe this isn’t [...]

Why We Keep Singing Together: Building Each Other Up2025-02-14T16:19:06+00:00

Why We Keep Singing Together: Examining Our Approach


By Michael Mancha Growing up in the current American Christian landscape, there are so many things that become staples of church and faith. They are so ingrained into the fabric of one’s faith that they are often inseparable from what is truly faith and what is a religious tradition. Singing corporately can become such a tradition that it tears away from its meaning and its tie to faith. This is the crossroads where we find ourselves. How do we navigate a universal function of the corporate body that our culture is slowly viewing with lessening fervor? Is singing in a church [...]

Why We Keep Singing Together: Examining Our Approach2025-02-14T16:19:06+00:00

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P.O. Box 33677 Denver, CO 80233

Phone: 1-888-462-1360

Web: Artios Christian College

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