Fine-tuned Water
by Martin Cicero As I continue to look at our world and how fine-tuned it is, I am so amazed at how God put it [...]
Same Sex Attraction: Five Things Christians Need to Know
By Israel Steinmetz Followers of Jesus are still confronted with temptations to sin. And not just palatable sins, but the kinds that make most Christians [...]
Matthew: High Christology of the Gospels-Part 2
By Israel Steinmetz BACKGROUND AND SCOPE This is part of a series exploring how Jesus is depicted in the Gospels. Many scholars have noted that [...]
Luke: High Christology of the Gospels-Part 3
By Israel Steinmetz BACKGROUND AND SCOPE This is part of a series exploring how Jesus is depicted in the Gospels. Many scholars have noted that [...]
Fine-tuned Eye
by Martin Cicero Have you ever thought about the human eye and what it takes for us to see? Dr. Faris Ghosheh, who specializes in [...]
5 Simple Ways to Increase Sabbath School Attendance
By Israel Steinmetz Most Sabbath School teachers share a common frustration: low attendance. They feel like their congregation would benefit from Sabbath School class, but fewer [...]