
What is the Gospel?


By Martin Cicero My church family and I have been talking about things these last few weeks that lead up to a very important question, ā€œWhat is theĀ gospel?ā€ Before I answer that, we need to understand that many people answer the question with much excess baggage. In Section 3 ofĀ Steps to Sharing Your Faith,Ā we read, Sometimes a theme in the Scriptures so captivates us that we are tempted to make it part of the essential message. It might be Godā€™s love for the poor and oppressed, or His promise of prosperity to Israel, or His command to be stewards of the [...]

What is the Gospel?2025-02-14T16:19:46+00:00

Why You Should Care About Theology


By Amber Mann Riggs For years, the word ā€œtheologyā€ made my spiritual stomachĀ churn. It was likeĀ putting the Bible on a lab table to be dissected like a dead, formaldehyde soaked frog, itsĀ cellsĀ being torn apart untilĀ they no longer resembled the organs and ligaments that had once made the frog bound with life. Then I transferred to a Christian university. And what was the very first course on my schedule?Ā None other thanĀ Introduction to Theology. My bias against theology shattered like the clay pots covering the torches of Gideonā€™s army. Suddenly, everything became brighter. Theology ā€“ ā€œthe study of Godā€ ā€“ isĀ far from lifeless. [...]

Why You Should Care About Theology2025-02-14T16:19:46+00:00

Who Cares About Theology?


By Loren Gjesdal How has doctrine ever helped anyone? Havenā€™t theological disputes been at the heart of many church splits and even bloodshed over the centuries? Canā€™t we just agree to disagree, and all get along? Isnā€™t Jesus all that really matters? Maybe you have heard someone ask questions like this, or maybe you wonder yourself just what benefit there is to doctrinal statements of faith, creeds, and systematic theologies.Ā  Personally, I enjoy delving into esoteric discussions of Bible prophecy, end time events and doctrinal distinctives. But I have also thought of them as matters of personal curiosity without much relevance [...]

Who Cares About Theology?2025-02-14T16:19:46+00:00

Is Critical Thinking Important Today?


By Martin Cicero With all the information that is available to us today, we canā€™t believe something just because it is in writing or because someone on TV or the internet says it is so. Then what are we to do? Many times during Jesusā€™ ministry here on earth, He asked the question, ā€œWhat do you think?ā€ Seven times in theĀ gospelsĀ Jesus asked or is asked the question, ā€œWhat do you think?ā€ Do you just accept what you hear and read, or do you take time to think about it? Do you look to see if there is an alternate view? How [...]

Is Critical Thinking Important Today?2025-02-14T16:19:59+00:00

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