Christian Ordinances

Tonight We Remember (A Reflection on the Lord’s Supper)


by Amber Mann Riggs Dishes pile up, noisy disagreements echo off of toddler-decorated walls, my newsfeed baits and agitates and broadcasts destruction and heartache. I pick yet another wayward Lego off the floor as my teeth clench to narrowly avoid lashing out in frustration. Today, it is so easy to forget that tonight, we remember. We remember that… The Lord Jesus, on the night he was betrayed, took bread, and when he had given thanks, he broke it and said, “This is my body, which is for you; do this in remembrance of me.” In the same way, after supper he [...]

Tonight We Remember (A Reflection on the Lord’s Supper)2023-09-12T15:07:41-06:00

Why Confession is a Must for Christ-Followers


by Israel Steinmetz We’ve all heard the saying: Confession is good for the soul. One of the most powerful lessons I’ve learned as a Christian is how true this saying is. Confession is a source of great healing and freedom. All Christians, whether they have official titles or not, have been re-created by Jesus to lead in their daily lives. For the Christian committed to leading with integrity, confession is an absolute necessity. But for many, confession is an abstract idea that isn’t part of their daily lives. Many associate confession exclusively with a person confessing to a priest or telling [...]

Why Confession is a Must for Christ-Followers2023-08-18T10:44:09-06:00

Recovering the Lost Art of Contemplation


by Israel Steinmetz Are you a contemplative leader? Do you see yourself as a leader at all? If you are a follower of Christ, you have been re-created as a leader! Embracing your identity as a leader involves growing in qualities that increase your influence. One of these is qualities is contemplation. In 10 Qualities of Influential Christians, Amber Riggs writes, Christian leaders must draw strength from a regular contemplation on the mysterious and gracious works of God. At the end of the day, none of our efforts are responsible for our advancement, none of our works are responsible for our sanctification, none of our [...]

Recovering the Lost Art of Contemplation2023-08-18T10:36:46-06:00

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