
What it takes to Grow People Spiritually: Reflecting on Dallas Willard’s not so surprising strategy


by Whaid Rose The late Dallas Willard gave this surprising answer to a question posed by a pastor as to how to help his people grow spiritually: “You must arrange your days so that you are experiencing deep contentment, joy, and confidence in your everyday life with God.” Willard was one of the most brilliant Christian thinkers of our generation. A trained philosopher, he was a Professor in the School of Philosophy at the University of Southern California (Los Angeles) for decades. Willard Offered Advice on Spiritual Formation Dallas Willard was not only a philosopher; he was a theologian with a [...]

What it takes to Grow People Spiritually: Reflecting on Dallas Willard’s not so surprising strategy2025-02-14T16:08:35+00:00

Stay Focused – Don’t Lose Sight of the Goal


by Chip Hinds Stay Focused – Don’t Lose Sight of the Goal (Borrowed with permission from the Southwest District Superintendent’s Blog) Greetings and peace in the name of Jesus Christ. If the current circumstances are consuming more time and attention than you know you should be giving them, this post is for you. If you want to become super-charged to be a blessing to God and humanity, this post is for you. If you want to be bored and be a consumer of others’ service to you, this post is not for you. Looking for good and faithful soldiers Much more [...]

Stay Focused – Don’t Lose Sight of the Goal2025-02-14T16:09:35+00:00

3 Areas Everyday Christian Leaders Practice Contentment


by Caitlin Meadows As followers of Christ we are leaders in our everyday lives. Wherever we are, whoever we are with – we have the opportunity and call to point them to Christ. Contentment is a quality of everyday Christian leaders because it means we trust God’s authority over and directing of our lives. The contented Christian rests in Christ’s sufficiency with gratitude for all He provides. Therefore, our focus is on magnifying God’s Kingdom rather than our own. Defining Contentment. According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, when one is contented one is “feeling or showing satisfaction with one’s possessions, status, or [...]

3 Areas Everyday Christian Leaders Practice Contentment2025-02-14T16:09:35+00:00

Pouring into Others – The Enduring Impact


by Whaid Rose Revisiting the Ed Thomas story—a timely reminder that investing ourselves in others – pouring into others – is never a losing proposition It’s been said that Christian faith requires reconciling conflicting pieces of our experience—the realities of good and evil, tragedy and triumph, life and death, mountain-top blessings, and down-in-the-valley moments. Bringing these opposite realities into harmony—seeing how each is part of God’s good plan for His children—remains a significant challenge for men and women of faith. That’s the perfect setup for the inspiring story of Ed Thomas, the 2005 NFL High School Coach of the year.  He [...]

Pouring into Others – The Enduring Impact2025-02-14T16:09:35+00:00

Like a Rock: A Classic Example in Character Formation


by Whaid Rose Jesus had twelve disciples, but among them, was an inner circle of three made up of Peter, James, and John. They’re rightly regarded as such because of their unique role in Jesus’ ministry. They walked closest to Him, were given front row seats on important occasions, and exuded a unique passion for advancing the agenda of the kingdom, so much so that they were nicknamed “Sons of Thunder” (Mark 3:16). But among them, Peter stood out even more. The first disciple Jesus called, along with his brother Andrew, first seen casting their net by the Sea of Galilee [...]

Like a Rock: A Classic Example in Character Formation2025-02-14T16:09:35+00:00

Why I Crave Mentorship and Why You Might, Too


by Caitlin Meadows I crave time with older women. Whether one year older or fifty, I am hungry for their influence. This craving is spiritually innate. Older women likewise are to be reverent in their behavior, not malicious gossips nor enslaved to much wine, teaching what is good, so that they may encourage the young women to love their husbands, to love their children, to be sensible, pure, workers at home, kind, being subject to their own husbands, so that the word of God will not be dishonored.” – Titus 2:3-5 Titus 2:3-5 instructs older women to mentor the younger; it tells [...]

Why I Crave Mentorship and Why You Might, Too2025-02-14T16:17:27+00:00

How Biblical Fellowship Can Restore the Church- Part 4


By Israel Steinmetz The modern Church is in crisis. We do not lack the power, presence or purpose of God. However, we do lack the unified fellowship to fully utilize His power, experience His presence, and accomplish His purpose. The unity of thought, spirit, practice and faith that was so evident in the New Testament Church is severely lacking in the modern Church and the effects are devastating. In part one we established that the crisis of the modern Church relates to our understanding and application of New Testament fellowship. Part two examined the particulars of New Testament fellowship as it was practiced by the [...]

How Biblical Fellowship Can Restore the Church- Part 42025-02-14T16:17:27+00:00

How Biblical Fellowship Can Restore the Church- Part 3


By Israel Steinmetz The modern Church is in crisis. We do not lack the power, presence or purpose of God. However, we do lack the unified fellowship to fully utilize His power, experience His presence, and accomplish His purpose. The unity of thought, spirit, practice and faith that was so evident in the New Testament Church is severely lacking in the modern Church and the effects are devastating. In part one we established that the crisis of the modern Church relates to our understanding of, and most notably our application of, the doctrine of New Testament fellowship. Part two examined the particulars of New Testament [...]

How Biblical Fellowship Can Restore the Church- Part 32025-02-14T16:17:27+00:00

How Biblical Fellowship Can Restore the Church- Part 2


By Israel Steinmetz The modern Church is in crisis. We do not lack the power, presence or purpose of God. However, we do lack the unified fellowship to fully utilize His power, experience His presence, and accomplish His purpose. The unity of thought, spirit, practice and faith that was so evident in the New Testament Church is severely lacking in the modern Church and the effects are devastating. In part one we established that the crisis of the modern Church relates to our understanding of, and most notably our application of, the doctrine of New Testament fellowship. We will now examine the particulars [...]

How Biblical Fellowship Can Restore the Church- Part 22025-02-14T16:17:27+00:00

How Biblical Fellowship can Restore the Church- Part 1


By Israel Steinmetz The modern Church is in crisis. We do not lack the power, presence or purpose of God. However, we do lack the unified fellowship to fully utilize His power, experience His presence, and accomplish His purpose. The unity of thought, spirit, practice and faith that was so evident in the New Testament Church is severely lacking in the modern Church and the effects are devastating. In the modern Church there is a crisis regarding our understanding of, and most notably our application of, the doctrine of New Testament fellowship. THE CHURCH IN CRISIS This crisis of fellowship is [...]

How Biblical Fellowship can Restore the Church- Part 12025-02-14T16:17:27+00:00

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