
Stewardship, Accountability and Administration


by Loren Gjesdal Few words inspire yawns faster than “administration.” Immediately, images of forms to be filled out and bureaucratic hurdles to be leaped come to mind. Yet we all agree with the Biblical principles of good stewardship and accountability. So, let’s consider for a moment how Church Administration helps us be good, accountable stewards. First, a definition. A steward is someone who has been entrusted to oversee another’s resources. Good stewardship then is the productive use of those resources in accomplishing the owner’s objectives. Two parables Jesus told will help us think about our role as stewards in His present [...]

Stewardship, Accountability and Administration2025-02-14T16:07:47+00:00

A Parable


What follows is a parable, beautifully crafted, by popular author, Gordon MacDonald. Since any attempt at adaptation or commentary would only detract from MacDonald’s masterful style and the calibre of this piece, I am sharing it unabridged, with permission from the publisher. Read it and be inspired. —Whaid Rose, the Artios Center for Vibrant Leadership   “Once, a foolish man built a boat. His intention was that it would be the grandest, the most talked-about boat that ever sailed from the harbor of the boat club of which he was a member. Thus, he determined to spare no expense or effort. [...]

A Parable2025-02-14T16:07:47+00:00

Who Controls Your Butter? Reflections on Spiritual Accountability


by Whaid Rose While attending a dinner, the newly elected Senator Bill Bradley asked the waiter for an extra pat of butter. The waiter replied, “Sorry, one pat per person.” The emcee overheard and demanded, “Do you know who this is? This is Bill Bradley! All-American from Princeton! All-Pro with the Knicks! US senator! Potential president!” To this the waiter responded, “Do you know who I am?” The emcee replied, “I guess I don’t. Tell me.” The waiter calmly asserted, “I’m the guy who controls the butter.” I owe full credit to the late Howard E. Butt, Jr. of Laity Lodge, [...]

Who Controls Your Butter? Reflections on Spiritual Accountability2025-02-14T16:07:47+00:00

Why History Matters in Leadership


by Santiago Chavez Introduction One of the courses that most surprised me in seminary was cultural theology. The first two verses of Romans 12 erupted into my thoughts when I was informed it was a required course. Now, I am sincerely glad I took it. The course dealt with how changes in technology change aspects of culture which in turn affect our understanding of scripture and consequently our application of theology. A simple example is the advance of the automobile. Before the availability of cars, our experience of the world was limited to where we could walk, rarely beyond. Churches were [...]

Why History Matters in Leadership2025-02-14T16:07:47+00:00

Reaching Our Redemptive Potential: An important lesson from the life of Moses


by Whaid Rose I wasn’t prepared for this statement: “Moses was an amazing leader who never reached his redemptive potential.” I was half asleep, listening to religious TV, when this comment jolted me fully awake. No way, I thought. Put that on some other Bible character, not Moses. I immediately thought of all the virtues ascribed to Moses in Scripture: the man who “knew God face to face” (Exodus 33:11), and “the meekest man who ever lived” (Numbers 12:3), etc. Outside of Scripture, there is broad consensus that, among mere men, Moses is the greatest spiritual leader who ever lived! So, [...]

Reaching Our Redemptive Potential: An important lesson from the life of Moses2025-02-14T16:07:47+00:00

Are You an Emotionally Healthy Leader?


by Kurt Lang “Be sure to secure your own mask before assisting others.” You’ve heard this instruction about oxygen masks every time you are waiting for your airplane to take off. Is it just me, or does this just rub you the wrong way, too? Hopefully you have been trained to help others and desire to put others before yourself (Ro. 12:3, 10), especially when it comes to your own children! If my child needs oxygen, I don’t want to be messing around with my own mask while my son is passing out. What kind of father would I be? But [...]

Are You an Emotionally Healthy Leader?2025-02-14T16:07:47+00:00

Leadership Context: Are You a Leader in the Church?


by Loren Gjesdal Leadership cannot take place in a vacuum. By definition, leadership requires at least 2 people (one to lead and one or more to be led), and almost always takes place within some organizational context, whether formal or informal. Imagine, for instance, a formal context of leadership. Imagine you were hired to an executive position at Apple, such as Director of New Product Development. What are some of the questions you might have? Who is on the team? What are our objectives? What are our resources, procedures and limitations? To fulfill your new role, you would need to know [...]

Leadership Context: Are You a Leader in the Church?2025-02-14T16:08:19+00:00

All the Queen’s Horses: A Leadership Lesson from Elizabeth II


by Whaid Rose I came across a new term in the days following the recent passing of Queen Elizabeth II. It is used to describe the late Queen’s extraordinary influence during her long reign as British Monarch. She was only ten years old when she became heir to the throne in 1936. Eleven years later (age 21) the young Princess made this remarkable promise to her people: “I declare before you all that my whole life, whether it be long or short, shall be devoted to your service and the service of our great imperial family to which we all belong.” [...]

All the Queen’s Horses: A Leadership Lesson from Elizabeth II2025-02-14T16:08:19+00:00

Born to Lead


by Loren Gjesdal Are you a born leader?  Most people will answer that question with a resounding, “No!” It seems that even those we hold up as leaders in the church, don’t consider themselves to be natural leaders. “George Barna conducted a survey of senior pastors from across various denominations. When asked if they believed they had the spiritual gift of leadership, only 6 percent responded yes.”¹ God, however, says all believers are to be leaders. “Christian leadership is Christlike influence.”² Isn’t that exactly what is meant by Paul’s instruction to be ambassadors for Christ? (2 Cor 5:20) How can the [...]

Born to Lead2025-02-14T16:08:19+00:00

From Modernity to Postmodernity: A Primer for Leaders – Part 4


by Amber Mann Riggs Christianity is changing. Not in the core essentials that were affirmed by the apostles. But rather, the way we talk about, communicate, and even view our faith has changed radically in the past few decades. Anyone who spends much time reading serious analysis of 21st century Christianity, culture, and ministry will frequently come across the term “postmodernity”. Indeed, much of our understanding of culture is directly dependent on our ability to understand postmodernity. This series of four articles is designed to provide you with a basic understanding of postmodernity and its significance to the conversation of Christianity [...]

From Modernity to Postmodernity: A Primer for Leaders – Part 42025-02-14T16:08:19+00:00

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