
From Modernity to Postmodernity: A Primer for Leaders – Part 3


by Amber Mann Riggs “It seems like we are speaking two different languages.” If you have ever thought this, you aren’t alone. As religion columnist Phyllis Tickle observed, approximately every 500 years, Western culture—and the Church in particular—undergoes such a significant change in paradigms that words often develop two sets of meanings. True to the pattern, we are currently in an era of significant transformation.¹ Anyone who spends much time reading serious analysis of 21st century Christianity, culture, and ministry is going to come across the term “postmodernity”. Indeed, much of our understanding of culture is directly dependent on our ability [...]

From Modernity to Postmodernity: A Primer for Leaders – Part 32025-02-14T16:08:19+00:00

From Modernity to Postmodernity: A Primer for Leaders – Part 2


by Amber Mann Riggs Let’s face it – American culture has undergone radical changes in the past several decades. For Christians, the changes seem to be happening faster than most of us can comprehend. How can we influence a culture to follow Christ when it seems like we are speaking two different languages? Especially when it seems like even within the Church we are encountering the world in very different ways. As 21st century Christians, much of our understanding of culture is directly dependent on our understanding of the term “postmodernity.” Part 1 of this series established that the very word [...]

From Modernity to Postmodernity: A Primer for Leaders – Part 22025-02-14T16:08:19+00:00

From Modernity to Postmodernity: A Primer for Leaders – Part 1


by Amber Mann Riggs Do you ever glance through a newsfeed and wonder, “how can people think that way?!” It can be tempting to just look away in disgusted anger. And yet, as Christians who are navigating today’s culture in the hope of influencing others to follow our path to Christ, we would be wise to follow Stephen Covey’s famous advice to “Seek first to understand, then to be understood.” The Postmodern Key Anyone who spends time reading serious analysis of 21st century Christianity, culture, and ministry will come across the term ‘postmodernity’. And come across it frequently. Indeed, much of our [...]

From Modernity to Postmodernity: A Primer for Leaders – Part 12025-02-14T16:08:19+00:00

What’s Really Going on in the United States Right Now?


by Israel Steinmetz Visionary Leadership in a Global Crisis These are troubling times. As I’m writing, the World Health Organization is reporting over 16,000,000 global cases of COVID-19 and over 650,000 deaths. The Center for Disease Control reports that 4,000,000 of those cases and nearly 150,000 of those deaths are here in the United States. I know several people who’ve died from COVID-19 and I live in one of the counties where cases, hospitalizations, and deaths are spiking. A financial crisis is on the heals of the health pandemic, with volatile unemployment numbers, financial stimulus from a debt-ridden government, historic economic [...]

What’s Really Going on in the United States Right Now?2025-02-14T16:08:19+00:00

How to Intentionally Study Your Culture


by Caitlin Meadows In the previous two Artios Leadership Conversations, Artios College co-directors Israel Steinmetz and Amber Riggs discussed the relevancy of culture in the Christian life. Specifically, the first conversation explored why Christians should care about their surrounding culture. The second conversation followed up with the explanation of why Christians should study their culture. Why should we care about it? Because we are both shaping and shaped by our culture. Why should we study it? So that we can not only be aware of how it is shaping us, but so that we can be intentional in our shaping of [...]

How to Intentionally Study Your Culture2025-02-14T16:08:19+00:00

Why Communicating Boundaries is Good


by Caitlin Meadows Have you set appropriate boundaries in your life? One way to evaluate this is to consider your relationship with the word “no”. Do you mind hearing it as an answer? Do you cringe with discomfort when it’s the answer you want to give? I lean more toward the latter. Throughout my teens and early adulthood I was prone to over-commit myself at church, school, and with my friends. I felt pressure to have an adequate reason for my denial and often said yes just to avoid potential conflict. I’d inevitably vent to my parents, complaining about how I felt [...]

Why Communicating Boundaries is Good2025-02-14T16:08:35+00:00

What it takes to Grow People Spiritually: Reflecting on Dallas Willard’s not so surprising strategy


by Whaid Rose The late Dallas Willard gave this surprising answer to a question posed by a pastor as to how to help his people grow spiritually: “You must arrange your days so that you are experiencing deep contentment, joy, and confidence in your everyday life with God.” Willard was one of the most brilliant Christian thinkers of our generation. A trained philosopher, he was a Professor in the School of Philosophy at the University of Southern California (Los Angeles) for decades. Willard Offered Advice on Spiritual Formation Dallas Willard was not only a philosopher; he was a theologian with a [...]

What it takes to Grow People Spiritually: Reflecting on Dallas Willard’s not so surprising strategy2025-02-14T16:08:35+00:00

Leadership Essentials: Contemplation of God’s Heart


by Andrea Slawson Reggie McNeal wrote “Christian leaders who stay online with Jesus are shaped by the heart of God.”¹ This is the passion and goal of every Christian leader. The leader who is in communication with and submission to God achieves this goal. This communication and submission “grows out of a secure relationship grounded in love.”² To do this one must be in prayer. Moreover, we must have “regular contemplation on the mysterious and gracious works of God.”³ Contemplation reminds us God is in control and “grounds us in the grace that actually empowers us to serve.”4 To contemplate is [...]

Leadership Essentials: Contemplation of God’s Heart2025-02-14T16:08:35+00:00

Keeping a Sharp Cutting Edge


by Whaid Rose Practical insights and encouragement on how to stay spiritually sharp A widely circulated guide on what to do if attacked by an anaconda includes instructions such as Do not run, Lie flat on the ground, Do not panic, Be perfectly still, and so on. Then after detailed directions on how to tactfully slit the snake’s throat as it tries to swallow you, it concludes with these final instructions: Make sure you have your knife; Make sure your knife is sharp!¹ More than mere good advice for anaconda victims, this is also instructive in its application to spiritual leadership. [...]

Keeping a Sharp Cutting Edge2025-02-14T16:08:35+00:00

The Ministry You’re Already Doing: The Top 4 Ministry Myths


by Israel Steinmetz I’d love to be involved in a ministry. My life is just so crazy right now. Or perhaps you think you don’t have the skills/gifts or you haven’t found the right place to serve. However, if you are a Christian, the reality is that you are probably already engaged in ministry! It may just be that you aren’t aware of it. This kind of thinking is driven by what I call the Top Four Ministry Myths. Myths typically develop from stories that are told generation after generation until they’re believed, no matter how contrary to reality they might be. Sadly, [...]

The Ministry You’re Already Doing: The Top 4 Ministry Myths2025-02-14T16:08:35+00:00

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