
How You Can Clarify Your Calling


by Amber Mann Riggs Growing up, we have grand dreams of adulthood. A vision of being able to fill our days with things that bring us joy and fulfillment while allowing us to make a difference. Embracing a calling. And then… Well, let’s just say that #adulting is an adequate description of the shock of some of the realities of adulthood. Dishes pile up. We find ourselves surrounded by mounds of dirty clothes that don’t fit in our “vision”. Incidentally, this vision also didn’t include investing money, sweat, and tears into an education just so we could work 12 hour days with [...]

How You Can Clarify Your Calling2025-02-14T16:08:35+00:00

Find Your Calling and Engage It! Partner with Artios!


by Lisa Harp Hinds Are you looking for a ministry to partner with? Do you desire a deeper insight into who God is? Is your prayer life not what you think it ought to be? Find Your Calling Consider enrolling in one of Artios Christian College’s programs! Artios has a program for every Christ-follower – the full-time pastor, the bi-vocational pastor, the local pastor, the worship leader, the prayer ministry leader, the youth leader, and everyone who makes up a part of the body of Christ. We are here to assist you in becoming the Christian leader God wants you to [...]

Find Your Calling and Engage It! Partner with Artios!2025-02-14T16:08:35+00:00

Fulfilling Your Purpose: How “The Call” Can Clarify Your Focus


by Caitlin Meadows As a young girl, I innately sensed that I was called. To what? I didn’t know. High school graduation arrived and with it, the time to choose a career path. So many tears were shed as I pleaded with God – what do You want me to do? I felt unsettled choosing a secular education to lead me to a secular profession. Yet, the desire for missions work or obviously “Christian”, “churchy” jobs was absent. Though I knew without a doubt that I was called by God, He wasn’t providing me with a complete and clear picture. This struggle [...]

Fulfilling Your Purpose: How “The Call” Can Clarify Your Focus2025-02-14T16:08:35+00:00

Five Habits of Jesus-Followers Who Make “Christian Gossip” an Oxymoron


by Caitlin Meadows Gossip. It is to modern Christianity what speeding is to modern society. An infraction at worst. Not even a misdemeanor. We know we’re not supposed to do it and will face consequences if caught, but we comfort ourselves with the reality that everyone does it. It’s convenient. And it’s not as bad as other sins like adultery or theft. Right…? Deep down in our hearts, we know our logic is flawed. Scripture is clear on the subject. Don’t do it. But, we do. From a young age, at least in my life, gossip became a habit. For those of [...]

Five Habits of Jesus-Followers Who Make “Christian Gossip” an Oxymoron2025-02-14T16:08:35+00:00

Why Jesus-Followers Should See Themselves as Leaders


by Amber Mann Riggs You may not be in the habit of thinking of yourself as a leader. Few of us are. For some, the idea of leadership is intimidating. Others want to lead but don’t feel they are given the opportunity. Some lead in the background without the recognition traditionally associated with leadership. Still others are recognized as leaders but doubt their ability to lead. However, if you are a Christian, whether you hold a title of leadership or not and whether you serve in a position of church leadership or not, there are some very compelling reasons to start thinking of [...]

Why Jesus-Followers Should See Themselves as Leaders2025-02-14T16:08:49+00:00

Leadership Essentials: Christ-Centered Character


by Michael Mancha We all remember the childhood game Follow the Leader. Whatever the leader does, you do. Wherever the leader goes, you go. We all understand leadership from an early age. We experience all kinds of leadership examples in our lives especially in the form of Christian leadership. While there are a number of characteristics vital to Christian leadership, none are more important than character. The character of a Christian leader stands as the basis for their role because character is a reflection of communion with God, it conveys moral authority, and it breeds healthy followers. Character and Communion In [...]

Leadership Essentials: Christ-Centered Character2025-02-14T16:08:49+00:00

Leadership Essentials: Character and Spiritual Leadership


by Loren Stacy Can you imagine a church leader who lacks personal character? Who gossips, who lies, or who cannot be trusted to keep his promises? Can you imagine a church leader who is unfaithful to his wife, to his family, to his church and to his God? Unfortunately, one need not imagine such a church leader. Church leaders who actually have done such things stain the pages of church history. More unfortunately, many current church leaders continue in these sinful behaviors. Those who are famous make headlines when their character failures are exposed. Ironically, it often is their hunger for [...]

Leadership Essentials: Character and Spiritual Leadership2025-02-14T16:08:49+00:00

The Leadership Conversation: What is a Leader?


by Mary Meadows Do you identify as a leader? If you had asked me this question three years ago I would have called you crazy. I am an extreme introvert. As a result, the thought of being a leader—of telling people what to do or making decisions for a group—made me want to retreat to my quiet corner of the world and hide behind the cover of a book. Not only am I an introvert, but I’m really good at helping out behind the scenes. Do you need kitchen help at a church hosted dinner? No problem! Music selected and organized [...]

The Leadership Conversation: What is a Leader?2025-02-14T16:08:49+00:00

Do You Acknowledge Your Weaknesses?


by Caitlin Meadows A top question job interviewers ask candidates is two-fold: First, what are your strengths? Second, what are your weaknesses? The first part of that inquiry is easy to answer. One is given license to brag a little. However, the second part of that inquiry is not so fun. Our human pride lies to us, telling us that admitting weakness is itself a weakness. If someone interested in hiring us really knew our weaknesses, they may decide against us. But such reasoning is comical because, of course we all have areas of weakness! And the cool thing about that [...]

Do You Acknowledge Your Weaknesses?2025-02-14T16:08:49+00:00

Becoming a Great Leader – an Overnight Success


by Chip Hinds When you consider your leadership, do you think of it as a vocation, a science, a skill anyone can acquire or as something that some just happen to be gifted to do, and others without that special gifting have no hope of attaining? Neither picture is truly accurate. It is like being a theologian. One way or another, everyone’s a theologian. The atheist contends there is no god and hence establishes his theology. Another person contends one cannot know if there is a god and owns the consequences of his theology. The observant person recognizes the existence of [...]

Becoming a Great Leader – an Overnight Success2025-02-14T16:08:49+00:00

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Phone: 1-888-462-1360

Web: Artios Christian College

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