
The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly: Leadership Lessons from Esther


by Israel Steinmetz In 1967 screen legend Clint Eastwood starred in one of his best-known films, The Good, The Bad & the Ugly. A few years ago, while reading the book of Esther I discovered how apropos this movie title was to the people around Esther who contributed to her emergence as one of the most important leaders in Scripture. The book of Esther is a drama with three players exercising leadership and a fourth player caught in the middle and faced with a choice, ā€œWhat kind of leader am I going to be?ā€ The leaders surrounding Esther are Mordecai (the [...]

The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly: Leadership Lessons from Esther2025-02-14T16:08:49+00:00

What are the Essentials of Spiritual Leadership?


by Whaid Rose Essentials of Spiritual Leadership On January 13, 2012, the Italian cruise ship, Costa Concordia, ran aground in shallow waters near Isola del Giglio, off the coast of Tuscany. A total of 32 lives were lost, and hundreds of passengers had to be rescued from the capsized vessel. The incident drew much attention, most of which focused on what was obvious to the most casual observer: this accident could have been easily avoided. The Costa Concordia, which was on its first leg of a cruise around the Mediterranean Sea, deviated from its planned route and sailed close to shore [...]

What are the Essentials of Spiritual Leadership?2025-02-14T16:08:50+00:00

They Finished Well


by Whaid Rose Three influential Christian leadersā€”reflecting on their lives and legacies Iā€™m told that the ancient Olympic Games included a race in which the prize was given, not to the runner who got to the finish line first, but rather to the one who finished with his torch still lit. This speaks to the goal of the Christian raceā€”getting to the finish line with Jesusā€™ light in us still burning brightly with reputation still intact, testimony still strong. This is especially important for Christian leaders whose torch lights the way for other runners, and so far in 2023, several have [...]

They Finished Well2025-02-14T16:08:50+00:00

Why Character Trumps Accomplishment


by Amber Mann Riggs A few times each week, I make an elaborate plan to sabotage myself.Ā The assassination ofĀ my own character is often an inevitable result. I call it a to-do list. Part written, part mental, it becomesĀ the mighty standardĀ of all measuring sticks. After all, if achieving a goal is intricately tied to our capacity to 1) break a long-term goal into a short term goal and 2) work a little each day on a short term goal, then letting a task fall through the cracks is tantamount to inevitable long-term failure. It seems that every day, I have to take [...]

Why Character Trumps Accomplishment2025-02-14T16:08:50+00:00

How Conflict Can be a Good Thing


by Caitlin Meadows Conflict is the key ingredient to every compelling story. Without it, thereā€™s no plot. This ingredient captivates the audienceā€™s attention. The more impossible the situation, the more difficult it is to put the book down or turn the movie off. Why is this so? Human curiosity? Our tendency to relate with the protagonist? Or maybe its our familiarity with the tendency to face obstacles? Even though it is a common fact of life, conflict is widely viewed negatively as something to avoid. As influential Christian communicators facing conflict, the questions to ask ourselves are: 1.) What is the [...]

How Conflict Can be a Good Thing2025-02-14T16:08:50+00:00

Leadership Essentials: Inside Artios Christian College


by Caitlin Meadows There are essentials to every recipe that lay the foundation for the dish. While some ingredients can easily be substituted, these essential ingredients cannot be replaced and should not be left out. Case in point: The first time my husband Adam and I hung out, I decided I wanted to impress him with my delicious chocolate chip cookies. We were at my brotherā€™s house and it was a spontaneous idea so I didnā€™t give myself time to go to the store first. Confidently I got going with the recipe from memory. Eggs? Check. Sugar and brown sugar? Check [...]

Leadership Essentials: Inside Artios Christian College2025-02-14T16:08:50+00:00

Leadership Essentials: Clarity of Vision


by Dirk Anderson In 1966, Star Trek first aired on television. It featured gadgets such as the communicator, wireless earpieces, the hypospray, and the medical tricorder. Fifty years later all those devices have materialized in our world. We have flip-phones, Bluetooth, jet injectors, and the Scanadu SCOUT medical device.Ā¹ The visionary behind Star Trek, Gene Roddenberry, not only imagined a future world with cool gadgets, but also communicated the vision of a money-less Earth without greed, hunger, or poverty. Moreover, he imagined a society where all races, including aliens, live in peace and harmony. We have yet to see if the [...]

Leadership Essentials: Clarity of Vision2025-02-14T16:08:50+00:00

Leadership Essentials: The Next Generation Leader


by Artios Magazine Have you ever read seven books in just five weeks? Some of you avid readers out there are saying ā€œYes, easily!ā€ The other affirmative responses are coming from former students of Artios Christian Collegeā€˜s introductory course, LEA111 (Essentials of Vibrant Leadership). Over the five weeks of this course, students are required to read sevenĀ different books all on Christian leadership! Thankfully, each book is compelling and insightful making the reading enjoyable. One of these assigned books is Andy Stanleyā€™s Next Generation Leader: 5 Essentials for Those Who Will Shape the Future. This particular book comes with anĀ essay assignment in [...]

Leadership Essentials: The Next Generation Leader2025-02-14T16:09:06+00:00

Is Relational Leadership That Big of a Deal?


by Caitlin Meadows Standing in my next classā€™ doorway to hide from the wind, I first interacted with someone who would leave a tremendous impact on my life. As a senior in high school I rarely interacted with the freshman. However, since our private Christian school was small and Iā€™m a people watcher, I was aware of them. Little freshman Anna was always smiling. Sheā€™d often come into the office during my T.A. period and have all the office staff laughing as she waited for a band-aid or something one of her teacherā€™s needed. At 14 years old, she was already [...]

Is Relational Leadership That Big of a Deal?2025-02-14T16:09:06+00:00

Myths of Personality and Leadership


by Mary Meadows Our lives are profoundly shaped by personality. It is the driving force behind our habits, social interactions, and inner psychology. Merriam-Webster defines personality as ā€œthe complex characteristics that distinguishes an individual or a nation or a group; especially: the totality of an individualā€™s behavioral and emotional characteristics.ā€ Personality defines us emotionally, psychologically, and even physically. Personality is ā€œreflected in our brain pathways, neurotransmitters, and remote corners of our nervous system.ā€Ā¹ In her bookĀ Quiet, Susan Cain writes ā€œOur lives are shaped as profoundly by personality as by gender or race. And the single most important aspect of personalityā€”the ā€˜north [...]

Myths of Personality and Leadership2025-02-14T16:09:06+00:00

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