
Preaching—What’s the Point?


by Loren Gjesdal There are an estimated 380,000 churches in the United States. In the vast majority of these churches, the pulpit and the sermon take center stage (literally) in each week’s service. If each sermon were an average of just 30 minutes, that’s a whopping 190,000 hours of preaching in the United States each week! Add mid-week services and the availability of all this preaching online, and it might be time to ask, what are we to do with all these messages? What is the point of all this preaching? Is the point to teach the Word to God’s people? [...]

Preaching—What’s the Point?2025-02-14T16:09:06+00:00

Quiet Influence: 6 Tips for the Introverted Leader


by Mary Meadows Hi, my name is Mary, and I am an introvert. I am also a leader. If you had asked me what leadership meant 5 years ago, I might have glanced up from a book and said that leaders are people “in charge” who tell others what to do. At this point, if our conversation wasn’t already over, I would have reopened my book and returned to the fictional world between its pages. What is Leadership? My definition of leadership has since gone through a radical change. It began when I took some extra credit leadership courses in college. [...]

Quiet Influence: 6 Tips for the Introverted Leader2025-02-14T16:09:06+00:00

Resonant Leadership: 6 Tips for the Extroverted Leader


by Mary Meadows Our culture is obsessed with extroverts. These friendly, sociable, outgoing people are idealized in the morning news, our social media feeds, and our work places. This extroverted ideal is especially prevalent in leadership. Because extroverts crave external stimulation, they are often looked to as natural leaders. Researchers estimate that 50 to 74 percent of the U.S. population is extroverted.¹ Other studies have shown that an astounding 96 percent of leaders and managers report being extroverted!² We’ve already established that leadership is not dependent on personality. Through Christ we have all been recreated to be leaders, and we are [...]

Resonant Leadership: 6 Tips for the Extroverted Leader2025-02-14T16:09:06+00:00

12 Ways to Reduce Your Leadership Impact


by Chip Hinds My intention is to become a vibrant leader as a vibrant member of a vibrant church. To do this requires the practice of the best leadership principles. I’ve often learned the most important leadership principles through the experience of doing the wrong things. I’d like to share some of those lessons I’ve learned the hard way. So, if you want to reduce your leadership impact, here are twelve ways to do it.[ref]Just for the sake of clarity: this list outlines what NOT to do. It is a parody of how a vibrant 21st Christian should really lead. C. [...]

12 Ways to Reduce Your Leadership Impact2025-02-14T16:09:06+00:00

Why Your Church Needs a Team of Leaders


by Amber Mann Riggs   Dry Rot was a destitute place. The people there were hungry. All that hunger led to stealing. And stealing led to suspicion, and suspicion led to…well, you get the picture. But outside of Dry Rot, there were hundreds of acres of farmland. One day, the man who had inherited the land passed through the town and realized he had enough farmland to get rid of Dry Rot’s hunger problem for good. He only had a few hours to spend there, for he was on a very long journey, but he quickly purchased a book on farming, [...]

Why Your Church Needs a Team of Leaders2025-02-14T16:09:06+00:00

3 Questions Every Leader Should Be Asking


by Whaid Rose Artios Virtual Summer Session 2021: Helping You Answer some of the Most Pressing Questions of Leadership and Ministry It’s been observed that Christian leadership involves a lot of “telling.” Preaching, teaching, strategizing, even disciple making, are largely about articulating facts and ideas, conveying principles, and so on. But “asking,” not just “telling,” is an important characteristic of effective leadership. In his book, Good Leaders Ask Great Questions, John Maxwell underscores the importance of asking questions and how this can become the catalyst for new ideas, innovation, and personal growth. 3 Questions On that basis, Auxano Ministries recently posed [...]

3 Questions Every Leader Should Be Asking2025-02-14T16:09:06+00:00

Ministry—”the Baptist Way”: Fresh Leadership Insights from an Unlikely Source


by Whaid Rose By the time Jesus began His public ministry, Judaism had morphed into a legalistic system of do’s and don’ts. Its purveyors were far more concerned about external performance than a personal relationship with God. For this reason, Jesus needed someone who would penetrate that system in preparing the way for His new ministry of truth and grace. God provided such a person in the man we know in Scripture as John the Baptist. In announcing his birth, the angel declared, “As it is written in the book of the words of Isaiah the prophet, saying: “The voice of [...]

Ministry—”the Baptist Way”: Fresh Leadership Insights from an Unlikely Source2025-02-14T16:09:06+00:00

10 Qualities of Influential Christians


by Amber Mann Riggs All Christians have the capacity to influence the people around us to live in such a way that reflects Jesus’ heart for the world. It doesn’t matter how wide your circle of influence is – how many friends, kids, Facebook acquaintances, or twitter followers you have, how large your church or community is, or how many work associates you have. What matters is the potential for depth in your realms of influence. When it comes to depth of influence, even though all Christians are re-created as leaders, there is a significant difference between passive leaders and active leaders: active leaders [...]

10 Qualities of Influential Christians2025-02-14T16:09:06+00:00

Why You Should Want to be an Effective Communicator


by Caitlin Meadows Do you think of yourself as a communicator? Maybe you’re an introvert who speaks as little as possible. Or maybe you’re a social butterfly who can strike up a conversation anywhere, anytime, with anyone. Chances are you’re somewhere in between the two – someone who appreciates keeping quiet but is able to hold a conversation when necessary. No matter what mix of the above you identify with, you are a communicator. To put it more broadly… We are all communicators I took my first communications class during my second year of college. It was a required speech class. [...]

Why You Should Want to be an Effective Communicator2025-02-14T16:09:06+00:00

4 Ways Active Listening Increases Your Influence


by Caitlin Meadows Everyone wants a boss who is an active listener. These sorts are a rare commodity, but when you come by one you feel like you’ve hit the career jackpot. The active listening boss is one who invites conversation. He asks for constructive feedback. She wants to know your ideas. He cares about your personal life. She puts away her devices when you approach her. A boss like this makes you feel respected and valued. He motivates you to do your job well simply by taking the time and putting in the effort to understand what you communicate. This [...]

4 Ways Active Listening Increases Your Influence2025-02-14T16:09:06+00:00

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