New Christian Ed

A Biblical Expedition


by Chinelle Flood Biblical Interpretation might be better described as an Interpretive Expedition. Why an expedition? The word “expedition” has a tantalizing ring to it. It instantly perks the senses to something far beyond a mere trip across town to the local hardware store. It hints at adventure, fills the air with spices, peeks in on exotic locations, and has treasure hunters expediting their passports. By the time a Bible student makes their way through the journey of interpretation, they will have been transported back to an ancient time, observed sacred yet living texts, discerned their purpose, touched what is holy, [...]

A Biblical Expedition2025-02-14T16:07:47+00:00

How Biblical Fellowship Can Restore the Church- Part 4


By Israel Steinmetz The modern Church is in crisis. We do not lack the power, presence or purpose of God. However, we do lack the unified fellowship to fully utilize His power, experience His presence, and accomplish His purpose. The unity of thought, spirit, practice and faith that was so evident in the New Testament Church is severely lacking in the modern Church and the effects are devastating. In part one we established that the crisis of the modern Church relates to our understanding and application of New Testament fellowship. Part two examined the particulars of New Testament fellowship as it was practiced by the [...]

How Biblical Fellowship Can Restore the Church- Part 42025-02-14T16:17:27+00:00

How Biblical Fellowship Can Restore the Church- Part 3


By Israel Steinmetz The modern Church is in crisis. We do not lack the power, presence or purpose of God. However, we do lack the unified fellowship to fully utilize His power, experience His presence, and accomplish His purpose. The unity of thought, spirit, practice and faith that was so evident in the New Testament Church is severely lacking in the modern Church and the effects are devastating. In part one we established that the crisis of the modern Church relates to our understanding of, and most notably our application of, the doctrine of New Testament fellowship. Part two examined the particulars of New Testament [...]

How Biblical Fellowship Can Restore the Church- Part 32025-02-14T16:17:27+00:00

How Biblical Fellowship Can Restore the Church- Part 2


By Israel Steinmetz The modern Church is in crisis. We do not lack the power, presence or purpose of God. However, we do lack the unified fellowship to fully utilize His power, experience His presence, and accomplish His purpose. The unity of thought, spirit, practice and faith that was so evident in the New Testament Church is severely lacking in the modern Church and the effects are devastating. In part one we established that the crisis of the modern Church relates to our understanding of, and most notably our application of, the doctrine of New Testament fellowship. We will now examine the particulars [...]

How Biblical Fellowship Can Restore the Church- Part 22025-02-14T16:17:27+00:00

How Biblical Fellowship can Restore the Church- Part 1


By Israel Steinmetz The modern Church is in crisis. We do not lack the power, presence or purpose of God. However, we do lack the unified fellowship to fully utilize His power, experience His presence, and accomplish His purpose. The unity of thought, spirit, practice and faith that was so evident in the New Testament Church is severely lacking in the modern Church and the effects are devastating. In the modern Church there is a crisis regarding our understanding of, and most notably our application of, the doctrine of New Testament fellowship. THE CHURCH IN CRISIS This crisis of fellowship is [...]

How Biblical Fellowship can Restore the Church- Part 12025-02-14T16:17:27+00:00

Answering God’s Call: Living for a Greater Cause


By Whaid Rose LIVING IN A FALLEN WORLD The sobering reality of life in a fallen world confronts us early in Scripture. In Genesis 4 we find a homicide, and by chapter 6 we read this sad commentary: Then the Lord saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every intent of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. And the Lord was sorry that He had made man on the earth, and He was grieved in His heart (verses 5-6). At that point it would have been justifiable for God to wipe the slate clean [...]

Answering God’s Call: Living for a Greater Cause2025-02-14T16:17:27+00:00

The Leadership Conversation: Why Should We Study Culture?


By Mary Meadows Culture is complex. Not only does the term encompass everything that makes up a unique society, but culture is constantly changing and evolving. In the previous Artios Leadership Conversation, Israel Steinmetz and Amber Mann Riggs (co-directors of Artios Christian College) established that, as Christians, we should care about our culture. Whether we like to admit it or not, culture shapes us and shapes the Church. This isn’t necessarily a bad thing. However, it’s important to recognize that influence and ask if this is helping us accomplish God’s mission for our lives—or if it is pulling our attention away from Him. But, [...]

The Leadership Conversation: Why Should We Study Culture?2025-02-14T16:17:27+00:00

The Church and Our Duty


By Lisa Harp Hinds The Church and Our Duty As followers of Christ, we are commanded to be holy. Part of living a holy life includes engaging in the spiritual disciplines of Bible reading and study, prayer, fasting, worship, and obedience to God. Another part of living a holy life includes how we treat others. I will explore the relationship between the spiritual disciplines and our duty to engage in social action and gospel witness as outlined in article 10 of the Church of God (Seventh Day) Statement of Faith. As J.R. Williams states in the Second Edition of the Evangelical Dictionary of Theology, “Holiness, [...]

The Church and Our Duty2025-02-14T16:17:27+00:00

Why be a Leader in the General Conference?


By Jacquelyn Scott Why Be a Leader in the General Conference? Read more to find out why. When I first started taking classes through LifeSpring School of Ministry (now Artios Christian College), my main motivation was to learn more about the Bible. After the first semester, I realized that I could be a support to the leaders of my local church and of assistance to others in the congregation if I took more classes. People were coming to me for advice, so I decided that I needed to be better equipped in knowledge and spirituality. EVERY MEMBER IS A POTENTIAL LEADER Now, after taking [...]

Why be a Leader in the General Conference?2025-02-14T16:17:27+00:00

It’s Not Okay for Kids to be Bored in Church


By Israel Steinmetz I baptized my three oldest kids in 2015. It’s incredible to watch them worship together with the local body of Christ they’ve become a part of. I love worshipping with my kids. Whether at home or with our church, there’s something awesome about joining them in song to our Creator and Redeemer. Last week in service I held my four year old’s hand as we sang together. I looked across the aisle at three of my other children as they praised alongside their friends. My middle school daughter stays through the entire service, taking copious sermon notes and [...]

It’s Not Okay for Kids to be Bored in Church2025-02-14T16:17:42+00:00

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Phone: 1-888-462-1360

Web: Artios Christian College

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