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3 Keys to Communicating Christ


By Caitlin Meadows Do you communicate with someone at least once a day? If so, you are a communicator. Are you a follower of Christ? If so, you are a leader. You are a leader because you were created and re-created to lead. You are a communicator because, well, we are all communicators. Every day you send and receive messages with those around you – your family, co-workers, neighbors, friends, and even strangers. In other words, you communicate. Unless you opt for the hermit life, communication is unavoidable. Through your various communications with those around you, you are leading each person to a conclusion about your life. So, as an influential [...]

3 Keys to Communicating Christ2022-07-28T15:46:44-06:00

It’s All About Equipping


By Whaid Rose God designed the Church to remain alive and vibrant despite the passing of time and amidst our rapidly changing culture. Here’s how: The British Monarch and the Christian Church have more in common than we often recognize. Both are age-old institutions struggling to survive in a rapidly changing culture; both struggle to retain and empower its next generation. This welcome perspective comes from Krish Kandiah, a UK-based author; he writes in response to Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s unprecedented move away from the Royal family. (See Megxit and the Church: Harry and Meghan Reflect Our Lost Youth; Christianity [...]

It’s All About Equipping2022-07-20T13:36:26-06:00

Church Administration: From Fluff to Function


By Andrea Slawson Administration. The sight of that word either makes you cringe or giddy with anticipation to get stuff done. Me? I cringe a little. Over the past few years I have begun to realize that “church” is not just a place where people come to meet once or twice a week and then go home. It is so much more. The body, the believers of Jesus Christ, are the church – yes. But the administration within the body are the gears that make the body operate with efficiency toward God’s mission of all being saved. Yet knowing this, I still think, “I [...]

Church Administration: From Fluff to Function2022-07-20T13:31:14-06:00

You Need a Coach


By Whaid Rose To say that coaching is trending these days would be an understatement. Once exclusively related to sports, this term is associated with just about every profession imaginable. WHY THIS RAPID GROWTH OF THE COACHING INDUSTRY? Why this rapid growth of the coaching industry? Theories abound, including the impact of TV shows such as Oprah and Dr. Phil, which, in a real sense, are live coaching sessions. The theory is that as viewers yearned to experience at home the same transformative results they were seeing on television, coaching became part of the cultural conversation and took on a life [...]

You Need a Coach2022-07-20T13:20:57-06:00

Answering God’s Call: Living for a Greater Cause


By Whaid Rose LIVING IN A FALLEN WORLD The sobering reality of life in a fallen world confronts us early in Scripture. In Genesis 4 we find a homicide, and by chapter 6 we read this sad commentary: Then the Lord saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every intent of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. And the Lord was sorry that He had made man on the earth, and He was grieved in His heart (verses 5-6). At that point it would have been justifiable for God to wipe the slate clean [...]

Answering God’s Call: Living for a Greater Cause2022-07-20T09:40:43-06:00

What Christians Need to Understand About Shame


By Caitlin Meadows Shame on you! is something we say to someone who behaves poorly. It’s our response to a person caught red handed and unapologetic. In effect, we’re telling them: “What you’ve done is wrong and you should feel guilt, regret, and humiliation.” In these types of situations, we want the offender to claim guilt so that he or she can take responsibility for whatever offense was committed. We want justice, which in many cases is an honest apology. However, the response is rarely acceptance and apology. Rather, the response is often to hide, lie, or justify whatever offense he or she committed. [...]

What Christians Need to Understand About Shame2022-07-12T13:24:48-06:00

Are We a Supportive Community


By Brian Franks We’re meant for community. In the beginning, the perfect, self-existent, self-sufficient, all-powerful, living God chose to create. In this creation He laid the groundwork, and literally the ground itself, for His vision. He made the stars, flora, and fauna of every kind. Indeed, everything we see sprang to life at His command or hand. Then, He continued with two more creation acts: “let us make humanity in our image” (Genesis 1:26) and God set apart the Sabbath day and blessed it (Genesis 2:3). Both of these are deeply intentional acts of community. The Sabbath is not a day of sleep. [...]

Are We a Supportive Community2022-07-12T13:12:49-06:00

Baptism Debates: Worthwhile Questions to Consider — Part 1


By Israel Steinmetz Water baptism has been consistently practiced by the Church throughout the entire history of the Christian faith. It is practiced by the vast majority of those who call themselves Christians—whether Protestant, Roman Catholic, or Eastern Orthodox. However, the method, subject, formulas, agent, effect and meaning of baptism have been issues of debate throughout Christian history, particularly since the time of the Protestant Reformation. 1 Who may be baptized? Believers only, or infants as well? Who may baptize? Clergy or laity? What does baptism effect, that is, is it salvific or symbolic? Should the one being baptized have water sprinkled [...]

Baptism Debates: Worthwhile Questions to Consider — Part 12022-07-11T09:43:44-06:00

5 Misconceptions About Christian Education


By Brian Franks There are several misconceptions about Christian Education out there. Below are five of the most common ones. #1—CHRISTIAN EDUCATION IS JUST ABOUT MEMORIZING INFORMATION Some think Christian education is just about memorizing and repeating information about God and religion. However, this does not describe any good Christian education, whether in the local church or at a ministry training college. Good Christian education is not about stating information and students parroting it back for a grade. Rather, proper Christian Education is transformational. The goal is for the student to be transformed into a mature believer in God who understands their calling and gifts. The student should be able to [...]

5 Misconceptions About Christian Education2022-07-12T12:36:51-06:00

What is the Gospel?


By Martin Cicero My church family and I have been talking about things these last few weeks that lead up to a very important question, “What is the gospel?” Before I answer that, we need to understand that many people answer the question with much excess baggage. In Section 3 of Steps to Sharing Your Faith, we read, Sometimes a theme in the Scriptures so captivates us that we are tempted to make it part of the essential message. It might be God’s love for the poor and oppressed, or His promise of prosperity to Israel, or His command to be stewards of the [...]

What is the Gospel?2022-07-12T12:39:03-06:00

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