
How to Intentionally Study Your Culture


by Caitlin Meadows In the previous two Artios Leadership Conversations, Artios College co-directors Israel Steinmetz and Amber Riggs discussed the relevancy of culture in the Christian life. Specifically, the first conversation explored why Christians should care about their surrounding culture. The second conversation followed up with the explanation of why Christians should study their culture. Why should we care about it? Because we are both shaping and shaped by our culture. Why should we study it? So that we can not only be aware of how it is shaping us, but so that we can be intentional in our shaping of [...]

How to Intentionally Study Your Culture2023-11-09T15:18:58-07:00

Protecting Your Ministry


HOW TO MANAGE THE PITFALLS AGAINST OUR MINISTRY “... and they may come to their senses and escape from the snare of the devil, having been held captive by him to do his will.” 2 Timothy 2:26 Every year, moral failure neutralizes the Christian ministry of many leaders. This gathering seeks to understand the temptations, traps, and restoration process surrounding a failure in moral judgment or integrity that an offender and their victim (or accomplice) suffer from a mental health perspective. An approach is also presented on how to reinforce the safety barriers around ministry leaders and recognize the predator cycle [...]

Protecting Your Ministry2024-02-21T14:59:40-07:00

Why I’m Embracing Fixed-Hour Prayer


by Amber Mann Riggs At 9:00 am each morning, my children and I drop what we are doing, gather in the living room, and drop to our knees to “pray like Daniel prayed.” My husband joins us when we drop again in the evening, as the six of us anchor our hope in Christ as a family. It hasn’t always been like this. But the coronavirus pandemic has given us a fresh perspective on what it means for it to be “time to pray.” Don’t get me wrong. We’ve always had family prayer times. Just not like this. What is Fixed-Hour [...]

Why I’m Embracing Fixed-Hour Prayer2023-11-08T15:34:28-07:00

Why Doesn’t God Answer My Prayers?


by Martin Cicero Do you ever wonder why our prayers don’t seem to be answered? Reality is, God answers prayer but we may not like the answer. He may say “yes,” “not now,” or “no.” Why is it that it seems we hear “not now” and “no” more than we like? What is it that hinders our prayers? I actually did not realize that there are so many things that hinder our prayers. Things that may hinder our prayers include sin, ignoring God’s Word, an unforgiving heart, refusing to help those in need, wrong motives, lack of faith, poor relationships with [...]

Why Doesn’t God Answer My Prayers?2023-11-08T15:24:25-07:00

6 Elements of ACTIVE Prayer


by Martin Cicero How have you been taught to pray? Do you follow a specific format when you pray? Do you need something to ignite your prayer life? Consider the following 6 elements of ACTIVE prayer: Adoration Some of us have been taught to pray by the acronym ACTS, but I have recently been taught a new acronym: ACTIVE. In either case, the “A” stands for adoration. So, what is adoration, and how do we have adoration for God? “Adoration is intense admiration culminating in reverence and worship, together with the outward acts and attitudes which accompany such reverence.” Adoration helps [...]

6 Elements of ACTIVE Prayer2023-11-08T15:19:53-07:00

Why Communicating Boundaries is Good


by Caitlin Meadows Have you set appropriate boundaries in your life? One way to evaluate this is to consider your relationship with the word “no”. Do you mind hearing it as an answer? Do you cringe with discomfort when it’s the answer you want to give? I lean more toward the latter. Throughout my teens and early adulthood I was prone to over-commit myself at church, school, and with my friends. I felt pressure to have an adequate reason for my denial and often said yes just to avoid potential conflict. I’d inevitably vent to my parents, complaining about how I felt [...]

Why Communicating Boundaries is Good2023-11-08T15:14:21-07:00

Who Aren’t You Loving, Christian?


by Caitlin Meadows When I think of Jesus’ parable of the “good Samaritan”, an image of Larry the Cucumber wearing a boot as a hat comes to mind. But, the parable is much more meaningful than a bunch of vegetable characters throwing shoes and pots back and forth until one decides to be kind to the other. Jesus’ story about the “good Samaritan” is a picture of one who is genuinely loving his neighbor. It is an example of what it looks like to “love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all [...]

Who Aren’t You Loving, Christian?2023-11-08T15:01:36-07:00

How Does Prayer Connect Us to God? Part 3


by Josiah Robles Prayer is protection. If Christian leaders neglect to come before God and humble themselves and their hearts before Him, they will not be able to resist the Devil and will quickly lose sight of God. If a leader does not have constant communion with the Father, they leave themselves vulnerable to attacks from the enemy. These attacks will quickly destroy and corrupt the leaders without them ever realizing, as they never went to God to be examined. Therefore, Christian leaders must pray the prayer of “The Prayer of Examen.” This is a prayer in which we, with God, [...]

How Does Prayer Connect Us to God? Part 32023-11-08T14:52:31-07:00

How Does Prayer Connect Us to God? Part 2


by Josiah Robles When Christ died as told in the Gospel of Matthew, “And Jesus cried out again with a loud voice, and yielded up His Spirit. Then, behold, the veil of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom…” (Matt. 27:50-51a). This was more than a spectacle. It showed us that we could now come to the Father directly, as before only once a year could an offering be made to God for our sins. The writer of Hebrews expresses this plainly, “But Christ came as the High Priest of the good things to come, with the greater [...]

How Does Prayer Connect Us to God? Part 22023-11-08T14:45:05-07:00

Mind Meld


by Mike Wallace I watched in astonishment the first time I saw Spock perform a “mind meld” on someone. “My mind to your mind, your mind to my mind,” then they became one of thought and intellect. Once joined by the Vulcan “mind meld,” the two parties will forever be linked as one. Many of us remember the big events of life and where we were. Neil Armstrong stepped out onto the moon. 9/11. The space shuttle fell out of the sky. The assassination of President Kennedy. I remember where I was on September 8, 1966. I was watching the very [...]

Mind Meld2023-11-06T15:49:33-07:00

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