
Reaching Our Redemptive Potential: An important lesson from the life of Moses


by Whaid Rose I wasn’t prepared for this statement: “Moses was an amazing leader who never reached his redemptive potential.” I was half asleep, listening to religious TV, when this comment jolted me fully awake. No way, I thought. Put that on some other Bible character, not Moses. I immediately thought of all the virtues ascribed to Moses in Scripture: the man who “knew God face to face” (Exodus 33:11), and “the meekest man who ever lived” (Numbers 12:3), etc. Outside of Scripture, there is broad consensus that, among mere men, Moses is the greatest spiritual leader who ever lived! So, [...]

Reaching Our Redemptive Potential: An important lesson from the life of Moses2025-02-14T16:07:47+00:00

Why I’m Embracing Fixed-Hour Prayer


by Amber Mann Riggs At 9:00 am each morning, my children and I drop what we are doing, gather in the living room, and drop to our knees to “pray like Daniel prayed.” My husband joins us when we drop again in the evening, as the six of us anchor our hope in Christ as a family. It hasn’t always been like this. But the coronavirus pandemic has given us a fresh perspective on what it means for it to be “time to pray.” Don’t get me wrong. We’ve always had family prayer times. Just not like this. What is Fixed-Hour [...]

Why I’m Embracing Fixed-Hour Prayer2025-02-14T16:08:19+00:00

Why Doesn’t God Answer My Prayers?


by Martin Cicero Do you ever wonder why our prayers don’t seem to be answered? Reality is, God answers prayer but we may not like the answer. He may say “yes,” “not now,” or “no.” Why is it that it seems we hear “not now” and “no” more than we like? What is it that hinders our prayers? I actually did not realize that there are so many things that hinder our prayers. Things that may hinder our prayers include sin, ignoring God’s Word, an unforgiving heart, refusing to help those in need, wrong motives, lack of faith, poor relationships with [...]

Why Doesn’t God Answer My Prayers?2025-02-14T16:08:19+00:00

6 Elements of ACTIVE Prayer


by Martin Cicero How have you been taught to pray? Do you follow a specific format when you pray? Do you need something to ignite your prayer life? Consider the following 6 elements of ACTIVE prayer: Adoration Some of us have been taught to pray by the acronym ACTS, but I have recently been taught a new acronym: ACTIVE. In either case, the “A” stands for adoration. So, what is adoration, and how do we have adoration for God? “Adoration is intense admiration culminating in reverence and worship, together with the outward acts and attitudes which accompany such reverence.” Adoration helps [...]

6 Elements of ACTIVE Prayer2025-02-14T16:08:35+00:00

How Does Prayer Connect Us to God? Part 3


by Josiah Robles Prayer is protection. If Christian leaders neglect to come before God and humble themselves and their hearts before Him, they will not be able to resist the Devil and will quickly lose sight of God. If a leader does not have constant communion with the Father, they leave themselves vulnerable to attacks from the enemy. These attacks will quickly destroy and corrupt the leaders without them ever realizing, as they never went to God to be examined. Therefore, Christian leaders must pray the prayer of “The Prayer of Examen.” This is a prayer in which we, with God, [...]

How Does Prayer Connect Us to God? Part 32025-02-14T16:08:35+00:00

How Does Prayer Connect Us to God? Part 2


by Josiah Robles When Christ died as told in the Gospel of Matthew, “And Jesus cried out again with a loud voice, and yielded up His Spirit. Then, behold, the veil of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom…” (Matt. 27:50-51a). This was more than a spectacle. It showed us that we could now come to the Father directly, as before only once a year could an offering be made to God for our sins. The writer of Hebrews expresses this plainly, “But Christ came as the High Priest of the good things to come, with the greater [...]

How Does Prayer Connect Us to God? Part 22025-02-14T16:08:35+00:00

How Does Prayer Transform You? Part 1


by Loren Gjesdal Prayer is the interactive work of the Word, Holy Spirit and human intellect that God uses to build a relationship between himself and individuals. Through prayer God molds human hearts and minds into Christ’s likeness and allows us individually and corporately to participate with Him in his work in the earth. Prayer is the appointed means of unleashing the transformative power of God in both the physical and spiritual dimensions of human existence. “God is spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth,”  Jesus told us in John 4:24. Because God is an invisible [...]

How Does Prayer Transform You? Part 12025-02-14T16:08:35+00:00

Is the Joy of the Lord Your Strength?


by Anita Fedoriw Where is the Joy of the Lord? I feel like I’ve failed my husband because…. I feel like I’ve failed my children because… I feel like I’ve failed my friends because…. Oh, God, I grieve over my past sins, stumblings, and failures, the way I have disappointed You and hurt others in the process. They say as you get older, the more you look back in time. I believe this is true. And as the years go by, while there are many opportunities to do good, there have been many times of not, where I have given into [...]

Is the Joy of the Lord Your Strength?2025-02-14T16:08:35+00:00

How Do We Foster Mental Wellness Among Christian Leaders? Part 3


by Jacquelyn Scott There are various ways that all of us, including our international brethren, can go about implementing plans of action to promote mental wellness among our congregations: Leadership Assessment, Care and Accountability 1. Every leader who desires to do so can take some form of self-assessment evaluation, such as the one found in The Emotionally Healthy Leader.[1] This would pave the way for each of them to determine if there are areas in their lives that could benefit from special attention. But before that, they should take the time and effort to seek God’s counsel, not just a few [...]

How Do We Foster Mental Wellness Among Christian Leaders? Part 32025-02-14T16:09:21+00:00

How Do We Foster Mental Wellness Among Christian Leaders? Part 2


by Jacquelyn Scott People have been made to feel guilty about their illness. In talking to people at the various meetings and workshops that I have attended, I have heard that some people have left their church because of the way that they or a family member were treated after it was discovered that they had a mental or emotional disturbance. Also, people have been made to feel guilty about their illness in a way that would not be done if they had a physical ailment. Some have turned away from the church Some have turned away from the church because [...]

How Do We Foster Mental Wellness Among Christian Leaders? Part 22025-02-14T16:09:21+00:00

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