
Mark: High Christology of the Gospels-Part 1


By Israel Steinmetz From its declaration that “the Word was God” to Thomas’ worship of Jesus as “My Lord and my God!” John’s Gospel proclaims a majestically high Christology. Indeed, many people have seen in John a Christology that finds no parallel in the other Gospels. 1 For them, John’s logos and incarnational thought and his explicit portrayal of Jesus’ divinity is juxtaposed with the less exalted portraits of Jesus in the Synoptic Gospels. 2 To put it simply, “If Jesus was as He is depicted in Matthew and Mark and Luke, He cannot have been as He is depicted in John. The two are incompatible.” 3 But is this [...]

Mark: High Christology of the Gospels-Part 12025-02-14T16:18:49+00:00

How Does Prayer Connect Us to God?


By Josiah Robles How does prayer connect us to God? Prayer is more than just a few words spoken to God before a meal or before one goes to sleep. Though it can simply be said that prayer is how “we make contact with God, and likewise God communicates with us.” Prayer is a lifestyle of communion with God in which we develop a deep intimate relationship with our Heavenly Father. This deep intimate relationship with the father is what allows us to become friends with God. Prayer for me as a Christian leader is extremely significant. Prayer is what allows me to come before [...]

How Does Prayer Connect Us to God?2025-02-14T16:18:49+00:00

A Look at the Book of Psalms: Does It Still Apply Today?


By Lisa Harp Hinds Do you enjoy reading the book of Psalms but wonder how it applies to your life? Does it continue to have significance? There are three main theological themes in the Psalms which make them significant for Christians today. These are: salvation, faith, and wisdom. Even as new covenant believers, we can use the themes in this Old Testament book to teach us how to live and lead for Christ. As 2 Timothy 3:16-17 states, “All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God [...]

A Look at the Book of Psalms: Does It Still Apply Today?2025-02-14T16:18:49+00:00

Scripture Alone…But Not Alone with Scripture


By Amber Riggs Alone with the unknown creature, the blind man caressed its skin, memorizing each wrinkle and marveling at the gentle strength of the tall, snakelike animal. “Come! Come see this animal! I’ve never met anything like it!” he called to his friend as he backed away to give the friend a turn. The friend, also blind, approached the creature from a different angle. Instead of silently marveling at a tall snakelike creature, his hands examined what felt like a living tree trunk. Still, he was amazed and passed on the exciting invitation to a third blind friend and backed [...]

Scripture Alone…But Not Alone with Scripture2025-02-14T16:18:49+00:00

Our Distinctive Lens


By Brian Franks It has happened many times in my life and ministry within the Church of God (Seventh Day). On a random Sabbath morning someone I don’t know walks in the church building. I greet them and introduce myself and they respond in kind. Then they get down to business: what does Seventh Day in the name of this church mean? I tell them about our belief in the Sabbath and why it still matters today (that it especially matters today in this culture). They ask about a few other things, and I share the stances the church has on [...]

Our Distinctive Lens2025-02-14T16:18:49+00:00

How Can I Be More Consistent in Reading the Bible Everyday?


By Andrew Fernandez BIBLE READING – THE STRUGGLE IS REAL It is easy to neglect our spiritual needs when we feel that all the physical work to be done each day is crying out to us before we even wake up. Let alone all the shows, movies, video games, and tasty social media “chit-chat” to catch up on. We will often choose to sit and think about random facts before we will pick up a Bible and read it. We are a busy people, and when we are not busy, we prefer to be distracted with a million simple pleasures 1. So, [...]

How Can I Be More Consistent in Reading the Bible Everyday?2025-02-14T16:19:07+00:00

What is Your Picture of an Ideal Family?


By Loren Gjesdal What is your picture of an ideal family? A “Leave it to Beaver” household of two parents, two kids and a happy resolution to every problem in 30 minutes? Or even more simply, “No muss, no fuss, no drama today, please?” Just what would constitute an ideal family anyway? Is the ideal even possible, and if so, what would we have to do to pursue it? If we could imagine the first family in a world where Adam and Eve never ate from the tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil… If they were never evicted from [...]

What is Your Picture of an Ideal Family?2025-02-14T16:19:07+00:00

Compassion for the Masses: 6 Lessons Gleaned from a Busy Day of Ministry with Jesus


By Whaid Rose Of the miracles of Jesus, the feeding of the five thousand is the only one recorded in detail in all four gospels. None was quite as public, performed in front of so many witnesses. According to Mark’s account (6:30-44), it happened serendipitously. Needing to get away from the crowd, Jesus withdrew (with His disciples) to a quiet place (verse 31). This highlights the first of several principles in this story: Solitude and rest are essential to effective ministry. But word got out; the people found them. And how did Jesus react? He welcomed them, highlighting another important principle: Ministry [...]

Compassion for the Masses: 6 Lessons Gleaned from a Busy Day of Ministry with Jesus2025-02-14T16:19:46+00:00

What Does Scripture Say About Women Leading in the Church?


By Jessica Monrose Leadership in the church is generally viewed as a position or title held by those in authority, predominately filled by men. In contrast, women usually fill supportive, non-dominating roles within the church such as administrative work and childcare. What does scripture say about women leading in the church? LEADING AS A CALLING Because of their identity in Christ, women are called to lead. All Christians have a calling on his or her life, which is to be the image bearer of God, leading others to Him. This primary call is a person’s identity in Christ and is manifested in their everyday lives. God’s character is [...]

What Does Scripture Say About Women Leading in the Church?2025-02-14T16:19:46+00:00

5 Misconceptions About Christian Education


By Brian Franks There are several misconceptions about Christian Education out there. Below are five of the most common ones. #1—CHRISTIAN EDUCATION IS JUST ABOUT MEMORIZING INFORMATION Some think Christian education is just about memorizing and repeating information about God and religion. However, this does not describe any good Christian education, whether in the local church or at a ministry training college. Good Christian education is not about stating information and students parroting it back for a grade. Rather, proper Christian Education is transformational. The goal is for the student to be transformed into a mature believer in God who understands their calling and gifts. The student should be able to [...]

5 Misconceptions About Christian Education2025-02-14T16:19:46+00:00

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