
Ground Zero Perspectives New: Remembering September 11 and the Lessons We Learned


By Whaid Rose GROUND ZERO For those old enough to recall them, the images remain vivid: the twin towers of the World Trade Center belching smoke and spewing debris; people leaping from the burning inferno to their death a hundred stories below; the buildings collapsing; terrified New Yorkers running, their clothes covered in ashes; the west wing of the Pentagon burning in the nation’s capital; in an open field in Pennsylvania, shocked residents viewing the scene of a downed airplane. That disastrous day is now twenty years past. It doesn’t seem so long ago.  Lest we forget, this milestone anniversary is [...]

Ground Zero Perspectives New: Remembering September 11 and the Lessons We Learned2022-07-20T09:30:11-06:00

Building Beautiful Churches for Jesus


By Whaid Rose Building Beautiful Churches for Jesus: Why the post-COVID church must redefine itself and its mission. Once upon a time a local church decided to build larger facilities to accommodate its rapid growth. It was a wealthy church, so it spent lavishly in making sure the new campus was the finest in town. Building program complete, an auspicious dedication event was convened. The keynote speaker was a former senior pastor who had national name recognition, which drew community and media attention. But as he arose to deliver his message, the appearance of a giant hand high above the stage—as [...]

Building Beautiful Churches for Jesus2022-06-30T13:08:09-06:00

What Millennials Want the Church to Know


By Caitlin Meadows What do those currently ages 17 to 40 have in common? They are millennials. That’s a 23 year age gap! Beyond claiming the same generational status, 17 year olds and 40 year olds have little in common. Commenting on this broad age range in her recent article, 6 Reasons I’m Excited to be a Millennial, Amber Riggs notes: As a pioneering millennial 1 I had the opportunity to embrace this label and all of the hopefulness it encompassed and allow it to engender a healthy pride in my generation – a pride that seems to have been harassed out of millennials who stepped into adulthood [...]

What Millennials Want the Church to Know2022-06-30T13:08:44-06:00

Answering God’s Call: Living for a Greater Cause


By Whaid Rose LIVING IN A FALLEN WORLD The sobering reality of life in a fallen world confronts us early in Scripture. In Genesis 4 we find a homicide, and by chapter 6 we read this sad commentary: Then the Lord saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every intent of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. And the Lord was sorry that He had made man on the earth, and He was grieved in His heart (verses 5-6). At that point it would have been justifiable for God to wipe the slate clean [...]

Answering God’s Call: Living for a Greater Cause2022-06-30T13:09:46-06:00

Do You Turn Away From God When You Are Hurting?


By Lisa Harp Hinds Have you noticed that it seems so many Christians are turning away from God and the church lately? What makes us do that? Why do we separate from the One and the ones who care about us? First, let’s think of what the church really is. I Corinthians 12: 27-28 tells us that we “are the body of Christ, and members individually. And God has appointed these in the church…..” Verse 28 goes on to list gifts such as apostles, prophets, teachers, administrators, etc. In other words, each of us has a gift and a place to serve. Plus, we need each other [...]

Do You Turn Away From God When You Are Hurting?2022-07-12T12:34:29-06:00

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