
In With the New


by Kurt Lang “Now there are also many other things that Jesus did. Were every one of them to be written, I suppose that the world itself could not contain the books that would be written.”[1] If you are a reader like me, you might be wondering, “Well? Why weren’t they written? I want to know more of the story!” For whatever reason, God decided that what we have is enough. He must be reminding us that quality is better than quantity. So what do we have in the pages of the New Testament? The Rest of the Story The 39 books of the [...]

In With the New2025-02-14T16:07:47+00:00

Stay Focused – Don’t Lose Sight of the Goal


by Chip Hinds Stay Focused – Don’t Lose Sight of the Goal (Borrowed with permission from the Southwest District Superintendent’s Blog) Greetings and peace in the name of Jesus Christ. If the current circumstances are consuming more time and attention than you know you should be giving them, this post is for you. If you want to become super-charged to be a blessing to God and humanity, this post is for you. If you want to be bored and be a consumer of others’ service to you, this post is not for you. Looking for good and faithful soldiers Much more [...]

Stay Focused – Don’t Lose Sight of the Goal2025-02-14T16:09:35+00:00

Resolved! Making New Year Resolutions


by Whaid Rose Looking for a different and more effective approach to making New Year resolutions? You’ve come to the right place.  Making New Year resolutions isn’t nearly as difficult as keeping them. Most of our “resolves” typically fall by the wayside just days into the New Year! As one wag observed, “Resolutions go in one year and come out the next.” This year the challenge of making resolutions is made greater by the ongoing impact of the global pandemic. It turned 2020 into a truly “unprecedented year,” wiped our calendars clean, and made the future more uncertain and life less [...]

Resolved! Making New Year Resolutions2025-02-14T16:09:35+00:00

Living Jesus


by Loren Gjesdal What do you think of when you read the word “incarnation”? A baby in a manger? Jesus walking the dusty roads of Israel? How about when you read the word “resurrection”? An empty tomb? Jesus rising into the sky on a cloud? Not to be blasphemous, but why don’t you picture you, today, at home, school, or work? One of the mind-boggling truths of the Christian faith is that followers of Jesus are to be the incarnation of Jesus, the Living Jesus in the world today! Incarnation literally means “in the flesh,” and resurrection means “rising from the [...]

Living Jesus2025-02-14T16:09:35+00:00

Is Salvation Free?


By Daniel Aleman Is salvation free? This was completely unimaginable to the first century AD world. It is in this backdrop that the apostle Paul wrote his letters. He preaches the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ and the fruit of salvation and a new life for believers. Salvation and the new life in Christ can be confusing when people try to reason this free gift from God as something requiring an exchange of goods. Unlike buying groceries in a supermarket, salvation and a new life in Christ cannot be purchased. Instead, these are freely given to those who believe that Jesus [...]

Is Salvation Free?2025-02-14T16:17:42+00:00

From Veggie Tales to What’s in the Bible: Following Phil Vischer’s Lead


By Israel Steinmetz The first time I saw Veggie Tales I was a high school sophomore in a room full of guys from around the country and we couldn’t stop laughing at Larry the Cucumber’s hairbrush song. Veggie Tales was funny stuff. Every half-hour episode was packed with witty cultural references, silly vegetables and a nice moral lesson, always ending with the affirmation, “God made you special, and He loves you very much.” Almost twenty years later, I still watch Veggie Tales with my kids as they’re introduced to Veggie-tized versions of classic characters from Indiana Jones to George Müller and classic literature from Hamlet to Huckleberry Finn. [...]

From Veggie Tales to What’s in the Bible: Following Phil Vischer’s Lead2025-02-14T16:18:02+00:00

Mark: High Christology of the Gospels-Part 1


By Israel Steinmetz From its declaration that “the Word was God” to Thomas’ worship of Jesus as “My Lord and my God!” John’s Gospel proclaims a majestically high Christology. Indeed, many people have seen in John a Christology that finds no parallel in the other Gospels. 1 For them, John’s logos and incarnational thought and his explicit portrayal of Jesus’ divinity is juxtaposed with the less exalted portraits of Jesus in the Synoptic Gospels. 2 To put it simply, “If Jesus was as He is depicted in Matthew and Mark and Luke, He cannot have been as He is depicted in John. The two are incompatible.” 3 But is this [...]

Mark: High Christology of the Gospels-Part 12025-02-14T16:18:49+00:00

How Does Prayer Connect Us to God?


By Josiah Robles How does prayer connect us to God? Prayer is more than just a few words spoken to God before a meal or before one goes to sleep. Though it can simply be said that prayer is how “we make contact with God, and likewise God communicates with us.” Prayer is a lifestyle of communion with God in which we develop a deep intimate relationship with our Heavenly Father. This deep intimate relationship with the father is what allows us to become friends with God. Prayer for me as a Christian leader is extremely significant. Prayer is what allows me to come before [...]

How Does Prayer Connect Us to God?2025-02-14T16:18:49+00:00

Jesus’ Secrets to Saving Parents’ Sanity


By Amber Riggs Being a parent is intimidating. It isn’t just the funhouse of potty-training, bedtime (why won’t they sleep?!), sibling squabbles, schoolwork, table manners, and housework that threaten my sanity…it’s the knowledge that I have to navigate this maze of mirrors while actually teaching them things. Important things. I have to teach them, these four daughters of mine, not just to master basic life skills, but to follow Jesus without my daily coaching. Oh, and keep them alive. That’s a lot of pressure. Pressure I could easily crack under. Of course, my newsfeed and Google are always faithfully standing by ready to identify [...]

Jesus’ Secrets to Saving Parents’ Sanity2025-02-14T16:19:06+00:00

Compassion for the Masses: 6 Lessons Gleaned from a Busy Day of Ministry with Jesus


By Whaid Rose Of the miracles of Jesus, the feeding of the five thousand is the only one recorded in detail in all four gospels. None was quite as public, performed in front of so many witnesses. According to Mark’s account (6:30-44), it happened serendipitously. Needing to get away from the crowd, Jesus withdrew (with His disciples) to a quiet place (verse 31). This highlights the first of several principles in this story: Solitude and rest are essential to effective ministry. But word got out; the people found them. And how did Jesus react? He welcomed them, highlighting another important principle: Ministry [...]

Compassion for the Masses: 6 Lessons Gleaned from a Busy Day of Ministry with Jesus2025-02-14T16:19:46+00:00

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