
Leadership Essentials: Embrace Contentment


by Esther Winchell According to Webster’s Dictionary the definition of content (adjective) is “satisfied with what one is or has, not wanting more or anything else.”[ref]Def. 2. Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary. 10th ed. 2000. Print.[/ref]  In order to find contentment as a leader, one must know their strengths and weaknesses. Being an effective Christian leader means being content with the authority given. It means not rushing to run your own game plan without consulting others. Most of all, it means keeping the Main One the Main One. Contentment as a Leadership Essential Christians are re-created by the Almighty to lead, so humility should [...]

Leadership Essentials: Embrace Contentment2025-02-14T16:09:06+00:00

Leading and Managing: What’s The Difference?


by Chip Hinds (Excerpt borrowed with permission from the Southwest District Superintendent’s Blog) Are you acting in the roles of leadership and/or management? Last week, in discussion with SWD HOPE Ministry Co-Director David Burrell, we remarked to one another how launching into a project, even in turbulent circumstances when the way was still being charted, was not a problem for either one of us. He remarked jokingly, “Yes, that is us sometimes, ‘fire … ready … aim.’” I admire David Burrell and Martin Ramirez, also Co-Director of SWD HOPE Ministry, because of what they are doing “outside the four walls of [...]

Leading and Managing: What’s The Difference?2025-02-14T16:09:06+00:00

Why Following Jesus Makes You a Leader


The very idea of leadership can be so intimidating that even Christians in leadership positions can have a difficult time embracing the word "leader." Register for this webinar for free at https://my.artioscollege.org/en/resource/4.     *This webinar was made possible by donors who recognize the value of this type of resource. To help us continue to make resources like this available, make a donation by clicking here: Give to Artios    

Why Following Jesus Makes You a Leader2025-02-14T16:09:21+00:00

Recovering the Lost Art of Contemplation


by Israel Steinmetz Are you a contemplative leader? Do you see yourself as a leader at all? If you are a follower of Christ, you have been re-created as a leader! Embracing your identity as a leader involves growing in qualities that increase your influence. One of these is qualities is contemplation. In 10 Qualities of Influential Christians, Amber Riggs writes, Christian leaders must draw strength from a regular contemplation on the mysterious and gracious works of God. At the end of the day, none of our efforts are responsible for our advancement, none of our works are responsible for our sanctification, none of our [...]

Recovering the Lost Art of Contemplation2025-02-14T16:09:35+00:00

Pouring into Others – The Enduring Impact


by Whaid Rose Revisiting the Ed Thomas story—a timely reminder that investing ourselves in others – pouring into others – is never a losing proposition It’s been said that Christian faith requires reconciling conflicting pieces of our experience—the realities of good and evil, tragedy and triumph, life and death, mountain-top blessings, and down-in-the-valley moments. Bringing these opposite realities into harmony—seeing how each is part of God’s good plan for His children—remains a significant challenge for men and women of faith. That’s the perfect setup for the inspiring story of Ed Thomas, the 2005 NFL High School Coach of the year.  He [...]

Pouring into Others – The Enduring Impact2025-02-14T16:09:35+00:00

You Need a Coach


By Whaid Rose To say that coaching is trending these days would be an understatement. Once exclusively related to sports, this term is associated with just about every profession imaginable. WHY THIS RAPID GROWTH OF THE COACHING INDUSTRY? Why this rapid growth of the coaching industry? Theories abound, including the impact of TV shows such as Oprah and Dr. Phil, which, in a real sense, are live coaching sessions. The theory is that as viewers yearned to experience at home the same transformative results they were seeing on television, coaching became part of the cultural conversation and took on a life [...]

You Need a Coach2025-02-14T16:18:02+00:00

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