
Acts of Service Aren’t Enough, Thankfully


By Caitlin Meadows Growing up, my elementary school implemented a merit system. Every staff member carried around little yellow pieces of paper called “bobcat awards” that motivated students to voluntarily complete acts of service. When a student had collected enough, he or she earned a lunch period spent in the “bobcat room” (the band room) complete with a special dessert treat and rated G music playing from a boombox. The best part about earning this reward? The status. Since the bobcat room was right off of the cafeteria, these well-behaved, honored students got to walk right on past all of their [...]

Acts of Service Aren’t Enough, Thankfully2025-02-14T16:17:42+00:00

Is Salvation Free?


By Daniel Aleman Is salvation free? This was completely unimaginable to the first century AD world. It is in this backdrop that the apostle Paul wrote his letters. He preaches the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ and the fruit of salvation and a new life for believers. Salvation and the new life in Christ can be confusing when people try to reason this free gift from God as something requiring an exchange of goods. Unlike buying groceries in a supermarket, salvation and a new life in Christ cannot be purchased. Instead, these are freely given to those who believe that Jesus [...]

Is Salvation Free?2025-02-14T16:17:42+00:00

What Redemption Means for Followers of Christ


By Jason Overman We say it as often as we can: Jesus-followers have been re-created by Christ to lead on His behalf in our everyday lives and circles. But why? Because of His redemption. With an accurate understanding of this common Christian word, we come to a greater personal appreciation of the gospel. And with that greater appreciation comes a deeper desire to live surrendered to His leading which enables us to influence others for Him. Redeemed — how I love to proclaim it! Redeemed by the blood of the Lamb; Redeemed thro’ His infinite mercy, His child, and forever, I am.” Perhaps [...]

What Redemption Means for Followers of Christ2025-02-14T16:17:42+00:00

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