Biblical Literacy

From Veggie Tales to What’s in the Bible: Following Phil Vischer’s Lead


By Israel Steinmetz The first time I saw Veggie Tales I was a high school sophomore in a room full of guys from around the country and we couldn’t stop laughing at Larry the Cucumber’s hairbrush song. Veggie Tales was funny stuff. Every half-hour episode was packed with witty cultural references, silly vegetables and a nice moral lesson, always ending with the affirmation, “God made you special, and He loves you very much.” Almost twenty years later, I still watch Veggie Tales with my kids as they’re introduced to Veggie-tized versions of classic characters from Indiana Jones to George Müller and classic literature from Hamlet to Huckleberry Finn. [...]

From Veggie Tales to What’s in the Bible: Following Phil Vischer’s Lead2025-02-14T16:18:02+00:00

Same Sex Attraction: Five Things Christians Need to Know


By Israel Steinmetz Followers of Jesus are still confronted with temptations to sin. And not just palatable sins, but the kinds that make most Christians uncomfortable. For example, some Christians are confronted with the temptation of homosexuality brought on by their same-sex attraction. As with all temptations, these Christians must resist and cling to Christ who has re-created them in the imago dei. Further, He has re-created them to lead those in their every day circles to encounter Him personally. No matter the sin that tempts us, in Christ we have an influence—an opportunity to increase God’s kingdom. Recent tectonic shifts [...]

Same Sex Attraction: Five Things Christians Need to Know2025-02-14T16:18:02+00:00

John: High Christology of the Gospels-Part 3


By Israel Steinmetz BACKGROUND AND SCOPE The purpose of this series is to explore a supposed rift in how Jesus is depicted in the Gospels. As many scholars have noted, John’s Gospel proclaims a majestically high Christology. Indeed some have seen in John a Christology that finds no parallel in the other Gospels. 1 To put it simply, “If Jesus was as He is depicted in Matthew and Mark and Luke, He cannot have been as He is depicted in John. The two are incompatible.” 2 Previously we examined the opening scenes in the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, and Luke and found that each presents not only an [...]

John: High Christology of the Gospels-Part 32025-02-14T16:18:49+00:00

Luke: High Christology of the Gospels-Part 3


By Israel Steinmetz BACKGROUND AND SCOPE This is part of a series exploring how Jesus is depicted in the Gospels. Many scholars have noted that John’s Gospel proclaims a majestically high Christology. Indeed some have seen in John a Christology that finds no parallel in the other Gospels. 1 To put it simply, “If Jesus was as He is depicted in Matthew and Mark and Luke, He cannot have been as He is depicted in John. The two are incompatible.” 2 But is this contrast between John and the Synoptics accurate? Does it give a fair reading to the Christological titles and roles assigned [...]

Luke: High Christology of the Gospels-Part 32025-02-14T16:18:49+00:00

Matthew: High Christology of the Gospels-Part 2


By Israel Steinmetz BACKGROUND AND SCOPE This is part of a series exploring how Jesus is depicted in the Gospels. Many scholars have noted that John’s Gospel proclaims a majestically high Christology. Indeed some have seen in John a Christology that finds no parallel in the other Gospels. 1 To put it simply, “If Jesus was as He is depicted in Matthew and Mark and Luke, He cannot have been as He is depicted in John. The two are incompatible.” 2 But is this contrast between John and the Synoptics accurate? Does it give a fair reading to the Christological titles and roles assigned [...]

Matthew: High Christology of the Gospels-Part 22025-02-14T16:18:49+00:00

Mark: High Christology of the Gospels-Part 1


By Israel Steinmetz From its declaration that “the Word was God” to Thomas’ worship of Jesus as “My Lord and my God!” John’s Gospel proclaims a majestically high Christology. Indeed, many people have seen in John a Christology that finds no parallel in the other Gospels. 1 For them, John’s logos and incarnational thought and his explicit portrayal of Jesus’ divinity is juxtaposed with the less exalted portraits of Jesus in the Synoptic Gospels. 2 To put it simply, “If Jesus was as He is depicted in Matthew and Mark and Luke, He cannot have been as He is depicted in John. The two are incompatible.” 3 But is this [...]

Mark: High Christology of the Gospels-Part 12025-02-14T16:18:49+00:00

A Look at the Book of Psalms: Does It Still Apply Today?


By Lisa Harp Hinds Do you enjoy reading the book of Psalms but wonder how it applies to your life? Does it continue to have significance? There are three main theological themes in the Psalms which make them significant for Christians today. These are: salvation, faith, and wisdom. Even as new covenant believers, we can use the themes in this Old Testament book to teach us how to live and lead for Christ. As 2 Timothy 3:16-17 states, “All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God [...]

A Look at the Book of Psalms: Does It Still Apply Today?2025-02-14T16:18:49+00:00

Compassion for the Masses: 6 Lessons Gleaned from a Busy Day of Ministry with Jesus


By Whaid Rose Of the miracles of Jesus, the feeding of the five thousand is the only one recorded in detail in all four gospels. None was quite as public, performed in front of so many witnesses. According to Mark’s account (6:30-44), it happened serendipitously. Needing to get away from the crowd, Jesus withdrew (with His disciples) to a quiet place (verse 31). This highlights the first of several principles in this story: Solitude and rest are essential to effective ministry. But word got out; the people found them. And how did Jesus react? He welcomed them, highlighting another important principle: Ministry [...]

Compassion for the Masses: 6 Lessons Gleaned from a Busy Day of Ministry with Jesus2025-02-14T16:19:46+00:00

5 Misconceptions About Christian Education


By Brian Franks There are several misconceptions about Christian Education out there. Below are five of the most common ones. #1—CHRISTIAN EDUCATION IS JUST ABOUT MEMORIZING INFORMATION Some think Christian education is just about memorizing and repeating information about God and religion. However, this does not describe any good Christian education, whether in the local church or at a ministry training college. Good Christian education is not about stating information and students parroting it back for a grade. Rather, proper Christian Education is transformational. The goal is for the student to be transformed into a mature believer in God who understands their calling and gifts. The student should be able to [...]

5 Misconceptions About Christian Education2025-02-14T16:19:46+00:00

What is the Gospel?


By Martin Cicero My church family and I have been talking about things these last few weeks that lead up to a very important question, “What is the gospel?” Before I answer that, we need to understand that many people answer the question with much excess baggage. In Section 3 of Steps to Sharing Your Faith, we read, Sometimes a theme in the Scriptures so captivates us that we are tempted to make it part of the essential message. It might be God’s love for the poor and oppressed, or His promise of prosperity to Israel, or His command to be stewards of the [...]

What is the Gospel?2025-02-14T16:19:46+00:00

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