
Answering God’s Call: Living for a Greater Cause


By Whaid Rose LIVING IN A FALLEN WORLD The sobering reality of life in a fallen world confronts us early in Scripture. In Genesis 4 we find a homicide, and by chapter 6 we read this sad commentary: Then the Lord saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every intent of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. And the Lord was sorry that He had made man on the earth, and He was grieved in His heart (verses 5-6). At that point it would have been justifiable for God to wipe the slate clean [...]

Answering God’s Call: Living for a Greater Cause2025-02-14T16:17:27+00:00

Why Sabbath is Meant to be Simple


By Amber Riggs I’ll never forget my family’s first Sabbath gathering back with our church after thirteen weeks of covid-related cancellations. My four daughters could barely contain their excitement. They had dressed and prepared breakfast for themselves before I even crawled out of bed. At their young ages, my daughters have fallen in love with the church and the vision it represents. Likewise, when the first representatives of humanity spent that first day delighting in the Garden, God was giving them an opportunity to fall in love with His vision. Could they imagine replacing the Wilderness around the Garden with this lush peace of beauty? [...]

Why Sabbath is Meant to be Simple2025-02-14T16:17:27+00:00

The Church and Our Duty


By Lisa Harp Hinds The Church and Our Duty As followers of Christ, we are commanded to be holy. Part of living a holy life includes engaging in the spiritual disciplines of Bible reading and study, prayer, fasting, worship, and obedience to God. Another part of living a holy life includes how we treat others. I will explore the relationship between the spiritual disciplines and our duty to engage in social action and gospel witness as outlined in article 10 of the Church of God (Seventh Day) Statement of Faith. As J.R. Williams states in the Second Edition of the Evangelical Dictionary of Theology, “Holiness, [...]

The Church and Our Duty2025-02-14T16:17:27+00:00

Restored and Re-Storied: An Interview with Mary DeMuth


By Caitlin Meadows Recently, I discovered a woman named Mary DeMuth. She is an author (of 31 books, so far), a public speaker, and the host of a podcast. Her message is simple but profound: Jesus Christ has taken her broken past and restored her to Himself. In doing so, He has also re-storied her, showcasing His beauty and might through her former heartache and suffering. God has restored and re-storied her and He is eager to do the same for the rest of us. Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new [...]

Restored and Re-Storied: An Interview with Mary DeMuth2025-02-14T16:17:42+00:00

Why be a Leader in the Church?


By Daniel Aleman When you answer the call to be a leader in your church denomination, you will find your place among others who serve Christ. This article is focused on the denomination of the General Conference of the Church of God (Seventh Day) or COG7, but the points of the article that focus on serving in your church and the challenges Christian churches face today may be applied to all Christian denominations. “But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness,”[1] are words many Christians have heard throughout their years attending worship services. Most could even recite the words of Jesus [...]

Why be a Leader in the Church?2025-02-14T16:17:42+00:00

A Visions for Christian Education in the Local Church- Part 3


By Amber Riggs You see that three-year-old who can’t sit still during the sermon? The one whose daddy had to take him out of the worship gathering three times last week because he was being disruptive? Yeah…that one. Well, in 15 years he will be 18, graduating from high school and youth group. What if I told you that 18-year-old him can find any verse in the Bible in 8 seconds flat, tell you the author and theme of each book of the Bible, recite several long passages of Scripture, and discuss the many attributes of God at length? And he’s [...]

A Visions for Christian Education in the Local Church- Part 32025-02-14T16:17:42+00:00

A Visions for Christian Education in the Local Church- Part 2


By Amber Riggs Week after week, year after year, students of all ages – infant to elderly – take their seat to engage in some form of Christian education. And at the end of each Sabbath school class or Bible study, we stand up, walk out, and more often than not, quickly forget most of what we were supposed to have learned during that past hour. Is the purpose of Christian education simply to expose people to the Bible and keep their interest so that they leave with a smile on their faces? Or is it something more life altering? A [...]

A Visions for Christian Education in the Local Church- Part 22025-02-14T16:17:42+00:00

A Visions for Christian Education in the Local Church- Part 1


By Amber Riggs Once a year, the kids in my congregation’s Sabbath School classes are called to the front of the sanctuary. With smiles on their faces, they are given certificates and, in many cases, “promoted” to their new classes. On one particular Sabbath several years ago, I watched this ceremony with fear and trembling as it ushered in a new season of my “career” as a Sabbath school teacher. I had taught adult classes, teen classes, elementary school classes, and pre-K/K classes. However, I had most recently taught the 2-3-year-olds. And if teaching 3-year-olds wasn’t intimidating enough, all three of [...]

A Visions for Christian Education in the Local Church- Part 12025-02-14T16:17:42+00:00

Always More to Learn: An Interview with Karen Stacy


By Caitlin Meadows On Sabbath morning you’ll find Karen Stacy in her classroom captivating the group of busy, bustling children around her. Though small in stature herself, she maintains a balance of gentleness and command. Occasionally she’ll throw in a little song to help her students focus as they learn. Her goal? That each child will develop a deeper understanding of who Jesus Christ is and of their personal need for Him. For over forty years she has voluntarily devoted her time, energy, prayers, talents, and passion in this capacity. Children’s education, especially their Christian education, is her calling. Throughout her adult [...]

Always More to Learn: An Interview with Karen Stacy2025-02-14T16:17:42+00:00

The Importance of Education


By Noe Reyes My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy God, I will also forget thy children Hosea 4:6 KJV. This passage is one of the saddest from the Bible. It expresses the profound sadness and raw emotion of a Holy God who desires to be known by His people. From the beginning of time, the omnipotent and only God established the importance of education for his chosen ones. Because of this, he strongly recommended to the [...]

The Importance of Education2025-02-14T16:17:42+00:00

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