
Why Doesn’t God Answer My Prayers?


by Martin Cicero Do you ever wonder why our prayers don’t seem to be answered? Reality is, God answers prayer but we may not like the answer. He may say “yes,” “not now,” or “no.” Why is it that it seems we hear “not now” and “no” more than we like? What is it that hinders our prayers? I actually did not realize that there are so many things that hinder our prayers. Things that may hinder our prayers include sin, ignoring God’s Word, an unforgiving heart, refusing to help those in need, wrong motives, lack of faith, poor relationships with [...]

Why Doesn’t God Answer My Prayers?2023-11-08T15:24:25-07:00

Leadership in Crisis


by Israel Steinmetz The world is a different place than it was just five months ago.   As I’m writing on the final day of April, there are over 3,000,000 confirmed global cases of COVID-19 and nearly a quarter of a million reported deaths. One-third of those three million cases are in the United States along with over 60,000 of those deaths.   In the wake of the COVID-19 health pandemic is a global economic crisis, impacting employment, manufacturing, the supply and food chain, and global markets. Here in the US we’re rapidly headed toward the worst financial crisis in our history. [...]

Leadership in Crisis2023-08-29T14:08:46-06:00

How Do We Foster Mental Wellness Among Christian Leaders? Part 2


by Jacquelyn Scott People have been made to feel guilty about their illness. In talking to people at the various meetings and workshops that I have attended, I have heard that some people have left their church because of the way that they or a family member were treated after it was discovered that they had a mental or emotional disturbance. Also, people have been made to feel guilty about their illness in a way that would not be done if they had a physical ailment. Some have turned away from the church Some have turned away from the church because [...]

How Do We Foster Mental Wellness Among Christian Leaders? Part 22023-08-24T14:05:46-06:00

Faith and Family During COVID-19


The Artios Center for Vibrant Leadership invites your participation in the last in a three-part webinar series offered to strengthen leaders and churches during the coronavirus pandemic. The upcoming event will focus on Faith and Family, with the goal of helping families emerge from the COVID-19 experience better and stronger. You may register for this webinar for free at   *This webinar was made possible by donors who recognize the value of this type of resource. To help us continue to make resources like this available, make a donation by clicking here: Give to Artios

Faith and Family During COVID-192024-02-21T15:05:22-07:00

Pouring into Others – The Enduring Impact


by Whaid Rose Revisiting the Ed Thomas story—a timely reminder that investing ourselves in others – pouring into others – is never a losing proposition It’s been said that Christian faith requires reconciling conflicting pieces of our experience—the realities of good and evil, tragedy and triumph, life and death, mountain-top blessings, and down-in-the-valley moments. Bringing these opposite realities into harmony—seeing how each is part of God’s good plan for His children—remains a significant challenge for men and women of faith. That’s the perfect setup for the inspiring story of Ed Thomas, the 2005 NFL High School Coach of the year.  He [...]

Pouring into Others – The Enduring Impact2023-08-18T09:31:56-06:00

Resolved! Making New Year Resolutions


by Whaid Rose Looking for a different and more effective approach to making New Year resolutions? You’ve come to the right place.  Making New Year resolutions isn’t nearly as difficult as keeping them. Most of our “resolves” typically fall by the wayside just days into the New Year! As one wag observed, “Resolutions go in one year and come out the next.” This year the challenge of making resolutions is made greater by the ongoing impact of the global pandemic. It turned 2020 into a truly “unprecedented year,” wiped our calendars clean, and made the future more uncertain and life less [...]

Resolved! Making New Year Resolutions2023-08-18T09:20:44-06:00

Why be a Leader in the Church?


By Daniel Aleman When you answer the call to be a leader in your church denomination, you will find your place among others who serve Christ. This article is focused on the denomination of the General Conference of the Church of God (Seventh Day) or COG7, but the points of the article that focus on serving in your church and the challenges Christian churches face today may be applied to all Christian denominations. “But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness,”[1] are words many Christians have heard throughout their years attending worship services. Most could even recite the words of Jesus [...]

Why be a Leader in the Church?2022-08-03T15:57:34-06:00

Acts of Service Aren’t Enough, Thankfully


By Caitlin Meadows Growing up, my elementary school implemented a merit system. Every staff member carried around little yellow pieces of paper called “bobcat awards” that motivated students to voluntarily complete acts of service. When a student had collected enough, he or she earned a lunch period spent in the “bobcat room” (the band room) complete with a special dessert treat and rated G music playing from a boombox. The best part about earning this reward? The status. Since the bobcat room was right off of the cafeteria, these well-behaved, honored students got to walk right on past all of their [...]

Acts of Service Aren’t Enough, Thankfully2022-08-03T15:51:08-06:00

Is Salvation Free?


By Daniel Aleman Is salvation free? This was completely unimaginable to the first century AD world. It is in this backdrop that the apostle Paul wrote his letters. He preaches the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ and the fruit of salvation and a new life for believers. Salvation and the new life in Christ can be confusing when people try to reason this free gift from God as something requiring an exchange of goods. Unlike buying groceries in a supermarket, salvation and a new life in Christ cannot be purchased. Instead, these are freely given to those who believe that Jesus [...]

Is Salvation Free?2022-08-03T15:47:17-06:00

What Redemption Means for Followers of Christ


By Jason Overman We say it as often as we can: Jesus-followers have been re-created by Christ to lead on His behalf in our everyday lives and circles. But why? Because of His redemption. With an accurate understanding of this common Christian word, we come to a greater personal appreciation of the gospel. And with that greater appreciation comes a deeper desire to live surrendered to His leading which enables us to influence others for Him. Redeemed — how I love to proclaim it! Redeemed by the blood of the Lamb; Redeemed thro’ His infinite mercy, His child, and forever, I am.” Perhaps [...]

What Redemption Means for Followers of Christ2022-08-03T15:45:20-06:00

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Phone: 1-888-462-1360

Web: Artios Christian College

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