
Working Through a Crisis


by Janna Wiley Working from home can be something alien to most of us. Adapting to the changes in our routines and lifestyle can be a bit of a shock to us both mentally and physically. As humans, we can adapt to changes as best as we can. After some suggestions from friends and family members, we can start creating our new normal with working from home, but why are we still down? Why am I still tired? Why am I still lingering in the past? Most of us, maybe, have never worked through a crisis. Sometimes a “crisis” can extend [...]

Working Through a Crisis2025-02-14T16:09:21+00:00

Santiago Chavez’s Tips for Working from Home


by Santiago Chavez Working from home (telecommuting) is a wonderful privilege that comes with many benefits and some challenges. I have observed that not every personality type can work from home and that is understandable. As someone who has transitioned into semi-retirement, it is an ideal fit for my circumstances. I offer the following tips for working from home that may be useful to some: Communicate 1.      Communicate and over-communicate. Co-workers in an office setting can see when you come into or do not come into work, while supervisors in a telecommute situation may only know you were unable to accomplish a task [...]

Santiago Chavez’s Tips for Working from Home2025-02-14T16:09:21+00:00

Kurt Lang’s Tips for Working from Home


by Kurt Lang Since this pandemic finds many of us working from home, Artios thought you might enjoy Kurt’s Tips for Working from Home to either help you in your work-from-home efforts or to give you some comic relief. Kurt’s Tips for Working from Home   I. a. Set aside some regular hours each day that you can commit to focusing on your job.       b. Be flexible and work different hours each day so you can work around other duties/jobs/household tasks that arise.  II. a. Create an office space with all your work essentials so that you have consistency and [...]

Kurt Lang’s Tips for Working from Home2025-02-14T16:09:21+00:00

5 Quick Tips for Working from Home


by Israel Steinmetz I don’t currently work at home, but I have at various times over the past ten years as an employee of Artios Christian College. Working from home comes with a host of unique challenges and opportunities. For many people, they’re encountering this unique situation for the first time recently as a result of COVID-19. Here are 5 quick tips for working from home that have helped me as I’ve worked from home: Tip #1 – Carve out space I’ve been in full-time ministry for over fifteen years. Ministry is one of those jobs that tends to come home with [...]

5 Quick Tips for Working from Home2025-02-14T16:09:21+00:00

Makayla Ross’ 4 Tips for Working from Home


by Makayla Ross 4 Tips for Working from Home shared by Artios Christian College Registrar Makayla Ross: Tip #1 – Set up a Dedicated Workspace Set up a dedicated space for work. This space should be in a location where you can focus and concentrate best. Having your “workspace” be clean and clutter-free will also help your mental capacity as you work. I highly recommend a desk rather than the living room couch. Tip #2 – Dress for Work Dress for work. Although you’re at home and you can probably dress down a bit, don’t dress down too much. You want [...]

Makayla Ross’ 4 Tips for Working from Home2025-02-14T16:09:21+00:00

Kristin Gonzalez’s 7 Tips for Working from Home


by Kristin Gonzalez 7 Tips for Working from Home shared by Kristin Gonzalez, Artios Christian College Student Services Advisor: Tip #1 – Designate a workspace Have a designated workspace and make it functional for you. Make your workspace in a location that helps you work more efficiently. I have 4 children, so my office space is right off the playroom. That way I can work and still spend time watching them play. It doesn’t interrupt my work routine much because I know where they are and they know where I am, so they can play contently while I accomplish work tasks. [...]

Kristin Gonzalez’s 7 Tips for Working from Home2025-02-14T16:09:21+00:00

What Our Stress Tells Us About Our Work


By Amber Riggs There are these little markers in my life that let me know when I’m not managing stress well. My patience with my kids tanks. I become too busy to eat. When I get in bed at night, the very act of being still will trigger nervous twitching. I’ll avoid doing things that need to be done and perpetually put them off “until tomorrow”. Instead of going to bed, I will “wind down” by staying up way too late watching a Hallmark movie. Once I get in bed, my social media feeds will be treated to a few extra [...]

What Our Stress Tells Us About Our Work2025-02-14T16:18:02+00:00

Three Ways We Get Vocation Wrong


By Amber Riggs A huge chunk of your life revolves around your work. It isn’t just clocking in, clocking out, and everything between. You plan your entire day around your work. It determines when you wake up, when you go to sleep, when you eat, and when you play. When it comes to being a Christian who works, we find ourselves asking questions about how our job fits in with God’s plan for our lives. My job doesn’t give me any sense of purpose; does God care? Am I doing what God wants me to do? or maybe How can I serve God more when I [...]

Three Ways We Get Vocation Wrong2025-02-14T16:18:02+00:00

Our Work and Our Worship: Labor Day Reflections for Committed Disciples


By Whaid Rose Talk of Floyd Martin, a Georgia mailman, filled the air as some 300 people gathered for the surprise block party planned to mark his retirement! Floyd was retiring after 35 years with the Postal Service, and the people celebrating him lived along the downtown Marietta route Floyd worked for the last 20 of those years. To these folks, Floyd was much more than a mailman. Each day he delivered positive energy and encouragement, even feeding the birds and animals as he did his work. So they decorated their mailboxes, raised money for Floyd’s getaway trip to Hawaii, and [...]

Our Work and Our Worship: Labor Day Reflections for Committed Disciples2025-02-14T16:18:49+00:00

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