
Kurt Lang’s Tips for Working from Home


by Kurt Lang Since this pandemic finds many of us working from home, Artios thought you might enjoy Kurt’s Tips for Working from Home to either help you in your work-from-home efforts or to give you some comic relief. Kurt’s Tips for Working from Home   I. a. Set aside some regular hours each day that you can commit to focusing on your job.       b. Be flexible and work different hours each day so you can work around other duties/jobs/household tasks that arise.  II. a. Create an office space with all your work essentials so that you have consistency and [...]

Kurt Lang’s Tips for Working from Home2023-08-24T13:15:16-06:00

5 Quick Tips for Working from Home


by Israel Steinmetz I don’t currently work at home, but I have at various times over the past ten years as an employee of Artios Christian College. Working from home comes with a host of unique challenges and opportunities. For many people, they’re encountering this unique situation for the first time recently as a result of COVID-19. Here are 5 quick tips for working from home that have helped me as I’ve worked from home: Tip #1 – Carve out space I’ve been in full-time ministry for over fifteen years. Ministry is one of those jobs that tends to come home with [...]

5 Quick Tips for Working from Home2023-08-24T13:09:44-06:00

Makayla Ross’ 4 Tips for Working from Home


by Makayla Ross 4 Tips for Working from Home shared by Artios Christian College Registrar Makayla Ross: Tip #1 – Set up a Dedicated Workspace Set up a dedicated space for work. This space should be in a location where you can focus and concentrate best. Having your “workspace” be clean and clutter-free will also help your mental capacity as you work. I highly recommend a desk rather than the living room couch. Tip #2 – Dress for Work Dress for work. Although you’re at home and you can probably dress down a bit, don’t dress down too much. You want [...]

Makayla Ross’ 4 Tips for Working from Home2023-08-24T13:06:16-06:00

Kristin Gonzalez’s 7 Tips for Working from Home


by Kristin Gonzalez 7 Tips for Working from Home shared by Kristin Gonzalez, Artios Christian College Student Services Advisor: Tip #1 – Designate a workspace Have a designated workspace and make it functional for you. Make your workspace in a location that helps you work more efficiently. I have 4 children, so my office space is right off the playroom. That way I can work and still spend time watching them play. It doesn’t interrupt my work routine much because I know where they are and they know where I am, so they can play contently while I accomplish work tasks. [...]

Kristin Gonzalez’s 7 Tips for Working from Home2023-08-23T15:55:57-06:00

Why Stewardship is Relevant for 21st Century Christians


by Caitlin Meadows Do you ever think about how rich you are? In our “Subscribe & Save”, free 2-day shipping world of Amazon Prime, we are prone to focus our attention on what we don’t have yet  rather than all that we do. The concept of stewardship, even among Jesus-followers, is mostly neglected. As a member of civilized society, I’m guessing you own the following: a smart phone (and possibly a tablet), a computer, and at least one television. If you don’t have one of the above, it’s likely out of choice rather than financial inability. Further, I’m willing to assume that [...]

Why Stewardship is Relevant for 21st Century Christians2023-08-22T11:28:35-06:00

Serving Jesus Even When Your Eyes Reflect Poop


by Amber Mann Riggs Is this what I’m destined to become? Recoiling with disgust at the abject prospect, I now eyed these women with cynical wariness. Yes, they seemed normal. And up to that moment, they had triumphed as beautiful, intelligent, thoughtful, interesting pillars of womanhood. But now, all of this faded in the shadow of their complete obsession with potty-training. Trapped in a conversation circle in which these women wielded complete control, I found myself an unwilling captive of the no-longer-secret Society of the Hiney-Wipers. The conversation was not just teetering on a precipice overlooking a sewage treatment plant. Even worse, it. was. boring. Foreshadowing can be a dreadful, dreadful thing. Case in point: [...]

Serving Jesus Even When Your Eyes Reflect Poop2023-08-22T11:08:46-06:00

How to Fold Laundry… As Unto Jesus


by Caitlin Meadows I just abandoned my laundry basket. It’s over half-full of warm, clean clothes. The rest are folded on the couch. Normally I don’t leave chores half-finished. My perfectionism usually won’t allow it. But, the writer in me has the ability to usurp the perfectionist in me. When inspiration strikes, I drop what I’m doing and let the words pour out of my head, through my hands, and onto paper (or, in this case, computer screen). Right now is one of those moments. Friday is laundry day in the Adam/Caitlin Meadows home. As I fold my husband’s clothes I [...]

How to Fold Laundry… As Unto Jesus2023-08-22T10:58:08-06:00

Stay Focused – Don’t Lose Sight of the Goal


by Chip Hinds Stay Focused – Don’t Lose Sight of the Goal (Borrowed with permission from the Southwest District Superintendent’s Blog) Greetings and peace in the name of Jesus Christ. If the current circumstances are consuming more time and attention than you know you should be giving them, this post is for you. If you want to become super-charged to be a blessing to God and humanity, this post is for you. If you want to be bored and be a consumer of others’ service to you, this post is not for you. Looking for good and faithful soldiers Much more [...]

Stay Focused – Don’t Lose Sight of the Goal2023-08-21T15:31:05-06:00

Recovering the Lost Art of Contemplation


by Israel Steinmetz Are you a contemplative leader? Do you see yourself as a leader at all? If you are a follower of Christ, you have been re-created as a leader! Embracing your identity as a leader involves growing in qualities that increase your influence. One of these is qualities is contemplation. In 10 Qualities of Influential Christians, Amber Riggs writes, Christian leaders must draw strength from a regular contemplation on the mysterious and gracious works of God. At the end of the day, none of our efforts are responsible for our advancement, none of our works are responsible for our sanctification, none of our [...]

Recovering the Lost Art of Contemplation2023-08-18T10:36:46-06:00

3 Areas Everyday Christian Leaders Practice Contentment


by Caitlin Meadows As followers of Christ we are leaders in our everyday lives. Wherever we are, whoever we are with – we have the opportunity and call to point them to Christ. Contentment is a quality of everyday Christian leaders because it means we trust God’s authority over and directing of our lives. The contented Christian rests in Christ’s sufficiency with gratitude for all He provides. Therefore, our focus is on magnifying God’s Kingdom rather than our own. Defining Contentment. According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, when one is contented one is “feeling or showing satisfaction with one’s possessions, status, or [...]

3 Areas Everyday Christian Leaders Practice Contentment2023-08-18T10:30:24-06:00

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